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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i can't wait til the really good battle royale game comes around.
  2. i heard second life is still popular
  3. i don't like enchiladas that much but that sounds good.
  4. BTFOing people in tf2
  5. what was the joke. i am also a catholic.
  6. for a while when i was living off of just beans and rice i'd just douse the shit out of them with light hot sauce cause there's only so many meals of the same thing you can take.
  7. just another reason why naruto is better than one piece.
  8. tell her i'm out here.
  9. does she have a friend who's single.
  10. nice
  11. who the fuck does shit like this. just let it dry on my stomach tbh.
  12. people who make continuously HOT 🔥 threads on the UEMB can't be douchebags.
  13. does any of us here read.
  14. zeni is the best thing about this thread.
  15. anyone who has more money than me.
  16. one piece, one punch man, jojo(might start the manga though), new lupin, super, and some others i'm forgetting. i value my time now a lot more then when i was younger and willing to put up with shit like this.
  17. are you going for more bets?
  18. going to be the best one in a while. absolute kino.
  19. i still catch robot chicken and if childrens hospital is on i make sure to tune in, but they always had a steady stream of new shows that were enjoyable. it's been a while since i felt that. i haven't really cared to watch rick and morty since the second season, and haven't watched mike tyson mysteries but i'll give that a shot. been meaning to start leaving it as background noise again anyway.
  20. one of the worst E3s in history in terms of new titles i'm excited for. i need new IPs. from devs that aren't EA, preferably.
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