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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Serious creeper vibes from Lupin during that moment.
  2. Lol, it reminds me of the VR trend that's going to be dead soon. Most of the games are severely limited, and their main selling point is that "it's like you're really there." Except it's not. Far from it, actually.
  3. Flashbacks from Tokyo Ghoul. I just have no fucking clue what's happening anymore.
  4. Lol, basically these poor saps are stuck in a game and want out?
  5. So the Troupe will still play a factor in the plot? Good.
  6. Did this seriously turn into Duel Masters or some shit?
  7. So, they're in a video game now. Hoping for better character development for Gon and Killua in this arc.
  8. Is this show popular in Japan? Because I fucking hope it isn't.
  9. Tears or no tears, any rational person would have killed MC on the spot after all of that.
  10. So yeah, it is apparently MC.
  11. Lol, did they use a digital alarm clock as the alarm sound for their base of operations?
  12. "What in the hell is going on?" We've been asking the same shit since Season One.
  13. Alright.... I believe that flashbacks are a poor method to develop one's characters in a story already, but these flashbacks are just empty. What was that about?
  14. I don't understand who I'm supposed to be cheering for in these situations.
  15. "Not enough time." Also what Pierrot said when the writers asked if they could make a fleshed out anime in one full season.
  16. Are these new, previously unestablished characters? Unlike the other shows in the lineup, I only read what happened in the last two episodes. Never bothered to watch them.
  17. So now we're moving from a good show to....something else entirely.
  18. Lol, Jotaru takes pride in being an asshole and a douche?
  19. I love that we're already on the tenth page of this thread and we've only reached the halfway point of the episode.
  20. I take my coffee straight black, so I clearly don't know what good coffee is.
  21. I swear, this feud between Dio and the Joestars is like Belmont/Dracula levels of legendary.
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