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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I forgot what happened last weekend. I just remember a card game being introduced...
  2. Assuming no Labor Day marathon, only six more weeks of this shit. Who am I kidding? It'll be seven weeks.
  3. Realization: They paid a voice actor...to make cat sounds.
  4. Yeah, this guy pretty much.
  5. ....Who's her father again? Nvm, it's Klungo.
  6. Wow. His boss has a really cool demeanor after just being cursed out.
  7. I hope that's the case.
  8. Jesus Christ, whoever was paid to write the crammed story for this show shouldn't have been paid a cent for what's going on.
  9. This kid went from shy quiet guy to GHOUL SLAYER 3000 in a few years? Sorry, not buying it.
  10. At least the previous season had *some* fluidity in its plot. But now? No fucking clue at all what's going on, and absolutely 0.00% sympathy for any of the characters so far.
  11. Meanwhile, Hot Topic Ed triggers childhood memories from a kid who was sad because....he lost his balloon?
  12. So, is MC back to being a sobbing wimp?
  13. *Insert emo sigh GIF here.*
  14. An excellent stand reference they could implement--since they're on a plane--would be one associated with snakes.
  15. Can't wait to see what's in store for next week! It's the series I'm looking the most forward to on Toonami, currently.
  16. Lol, "Speedwagon Foundation." Nice throwback.
  17. I thought it was amusing, and somewhat cute.
  18. I wonder if the artist is still aligned with Dio, or if he's on the Joestar team?
  19. Lol, shit! I thought he was mad at Jotaro for a moment.
  20. Ah, never mind. She just has a stand-induced fever. Nothing to worry about.
  21. So, I guess Holly is missing at this moment?
  22. On another note, Jotaro's mother is the strangest character in this series as of yet.
  23. So Dio has evolved from vampire to gorgon over the years? I guess that works.
  24. I love the extra ham in this series. Adds more charm to the show.
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