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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Lmfao, did they use Adobe After Effects for the animation with the shrub?
  2. The best thing for them to do would be to inform Naruto: "Hey buddy, we just need to check you out and make sure that everything's okay with you. We think you're sick. We promise this isn't going to hurt." Instead, they're chasing him around town and throwing tranqs at him like he's a wild animal. Great logic, guys.
  3. Naruto goes from defeating Pain, to getting chased by the fucking Umbrella corporation. What a strange turn of events.
  4. LOOOOOL, that wig moment!
  5. Cannonballs? Is that shit even legal?
  6. This guy just doesn't have a clue.
  7. Lmfao, Zenigata's so pissed he wanted to shoot him.
  8. That kid is such a suck up.
  9. He's going to fucking eat those words.
  10. He had his pants ripped off. ....LOL.
  11. Yep, I knew that something didn't seem right about them. So far, the episode is living up to typical Lupin standards of weirdness.
  12. Feels weird taking a break from Italy and going to Japan for an episode...
  13. Something seems off about those two.
  14. So Lupin's being forced to steal shit for an organization that's too lazy to do it themselves...
  15. Whelp, time for a rescue mission I guess...
  16. Four eps after this, assuming the OVA is broadcast.
  17. One of the antagonists of this arc?
  18. Wow. Woooooowwww. Asshole father thinks his son is a wimp if he brings friends along.
  19. He looks like a fucking homeless person...
  20. Basically, Ging likes playing hide and seek with the ones he loves or considers friends.
  21. As far as I know from unintentional spoilers I encountered,
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