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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Ooookay, now can we finally see the conclusion of this half-assed episode and have it end on a solid note?
  2. He does not know how to throw a fucking punch, apparently.
  3. So, actual conflict. Thank fuck.
  4. So far what I've seen in this episode is pretty much what I expected. More nun flirting, and more incompetence from the M.C. If they're going to give the M.C. a badass moment, they should follow through with it.
  5. I can get behind that, but you don't do this after setting up a fight in the previous episode. That's just poor storytelling, and any competent writer would agree.
  6. They were in the middle of the fight, and they throw a flashback in front of us. It's like they hired the most incompetent fucking story teller to write the script for this.
  8. Yeah, we get it. He wants to become the Wizard King. Actually show us a fucking fight instead of flinging flashbacks in front of us constantly.
  9. Same, at least until the Bount showed up.
  10. Studio Pierrot tends to do that with everything they get their hands on.
  11. I have to say that so far, I like it more than Tokyo Ghoul, but this can still change. Also, that is not a difficult accomplishment.
  12. Yeah. I would have to agree with that. It's not like the show that's coming up next.
  13. Well, it feels like that episode went by quickly...
  14. Gotta' remember, in DBZ time, one day lasts 12 weeks.
  15. "The man whose hair turned gold promised he would come!" He has such a way with words, despite being a violent savage at heart...
  16. Oh yeah! I remember, he always pops his neck like they're knuckles.
  17. I just remember Super Buu being completely different from all other DBZ villains. Frieza wanted power, and Cell wanted to prove that he was perfect. But Buu? He just wanted to fight and destroy shit. He was so unlike any other villain in the series.
  18. The rest of the arc is still a blur to me, at least until the final climactic battle.
  19. Lmfao, well they're fucked. He knows that they exist now.
  20. There must be some part of Majin Buu still inside of him.
  21. It's like these people don't realize that guns and explosions do not work against these monsters...
  22. It'll be revealed at some point in the future, I think.
  23. He's screaming so loud, even the Realm of the Kai's can hear it.
  24. Evil incarnate: Super Buu.
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