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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Even marshmallow? Hmm, I suppose if let it you dry out enough or compressed it.
  2. New Mexico Well, it's got an Elephant Butte, and that must be hard. Probably not half as hard as living in it though.
  3. California it's got a Woody.
  4. Alaska... cuz it's frozen solid.
  5. Arkansas... because it has a Little Rock in it... ~ba dum bum~
  6. Super Gals! 41 - 52 Well, I guess there was finally some progress character wise, even if it was glacial coming about. Pretty fun show anyway, even if it was a little overly predictable at times. The last half dozen episodes or so were pretty good though at wrapping things up.
  7. All right! Something to look forward to post apocalypse. Goodie.
  8. Yeah, I think Sophie's a huge social threat. They'd be fools to underestimate her for too long, but she also has a way of seeming to be able to go unnoticed somehow. Kim's only played the one time before, so I think that's why she isn't as well known, but the season she won I remember she pretty much dominated it and as obvious as it seemed that she was the biggest threat to win, baffingly nobody ever seemed to want to get rid of her because she was so good at making friends with everyone. She's also a huge immunity challenge threat, which is how come I really thought she would be targeted right away after the merge.
  9. I watched it just a little while ago. I was a bit underwhelmed at first, as it's fairly slow paced and there isn't much action, but by the end I changed my mind. It was actually pretty damn good, so I'd recommend checking it out.
  10. Super Gals! 33 - 40 Another magically changing personalities episode? This show really likes to go to the well. I'm enjoying it, but getting kinda tired of it at the same time. Fortunately I guess, not too many more episodes left to go.
  11. Super Gals! 23 - 26 Halfway mark. I wonder if Ran will ever really change. Even with another whole season to go, I seriously seriously doubt it.
  12. Yep, times like these calls for Chicken Soup for the Soul type anime, so I'd recommend anything like Aria, Azumanga Daioh, Usagi Drop or any other slice of life series that's relentlessly sweet and soothing.
  13. Also, already finished the first season of Star Trek Discovery. Overall, it was pretty awesome. Only downer was I thought the end of the season felt a bit anticlimactic.
  14. Binging Star Trek Discovery season 1. Watched the first 8 episodes so far. My first impression of it when I watched the first episode that aired on CBS a long time ago was definitely way off. It's much better so far than I thought it would be.
  15. Super Gals! 15 - 19 Maquia Liz and the Blue Bird Great movies. Wasn't so sure about Maquia at first, but it won me over towards the end.
  16. Super Gals! 7 - 14 I've seen plenty of ridiculously dense characters in anime before, but I think Ran may still take the cake as possibly the most oblivious one ever. Feel bad for "Second Place" (what a nickname she gave him btw) falling for a gal like her.
  17. You don't like Parvati? But she's so evil. I don't want to see her win again, but she's too good of a villain to get knocked out so early on IMO. There are so many underhanded players this season though -- I mean they are all former winners so it's to be expected -- but it's kind of hard to say who are truly the biggest threats, other than the most obvious two. I'm just looking forward to fireworks that go off should Boston Rob and Sandra survive long enough to be put on the same tribe. The fire tokens are an interesting new addition to the game potentially, but depends on how easy or hard they're going to make it to acquire enough of them do anything meaningful with them.
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog 9/10 Seems like it's been like a long time since I've seen Jim Carey in a new movie where he got to be his old entertaining wacky self. What else can I say but... alrighty then! 😎
  19. Gankutsuou 5 - 24 As anticipated, that was amazing. Loved the art style with how it made the characters' hair and clothes seem almost alive at times in a weird way. It was a bit distracting at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly, probably thanks to how immersive the story is and how I was at least partially familiar with it from the Hollywood movie version with Jim Caviezel. Wish they made more shows like this one.
  20. Gankutsuou 1 - 4 Dang! The count is so creepy in this. I love everything about this adaptation so far.
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