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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Star Trek Discovery season 2 episodes 1 - 4 I've been so looking foraward to this. Finally got season 2 on loan from my library. They still haven't opened to the public, but are doing drive-thru pickup.
  2. So that's why weird stuff like that keeps happening every time I go outdoors. Oh well, guess I'm out.
  3. Do throwing knives count as melee weapons? And license?
  4. Durarara! 22 - 25 Guess sometimes there is a pretty thin line all right between love and hate. Well, that may not have been quite as intricate as Baccano, but that first season certainly had its fair share of wildly eccentric characters. I'm just hoping season two fleshes out the story a little more, particulary with regard to Izaya and his motivations.
  5. The last ten seconds or so of that video are kinda scary.
  6. I found you a guide.
  7. You're banning Peter Parker?! Stan Lee would not approve.
  8. Yeah, I know, I've been sober my whole life. What can I say... I'm a masochist.
  9. Are weapons allowed? ::sharpens knives:: What about psychic powers? ::bends spoon::
  10. Flick. Flick. Fly away little bugs.
  11. Well, he was there in spirit I'd say at least. Am I just confusing you more? What, yes? Great. Mission accomplished.
  12. Wow, that girl must really have some powers, cuz I forgot all about this episode, too.
  13. Misanthrope is just another word for realist. I've just never been very good at ignoring unpleasant things, and I honestly wish I was better at it and could be more happy go lucky about life, but like Popeye said, I am who I am and that's all who I am, and I'm fine with that. Those things you mentioned pale in comparison to the collective humany history of war, slavery, rape, murder and other human atrocities committed through the ages, all of which is still going on to this day though admittedly to a lesser degree for now. While I think the world is in a slightly better place than it used to be, I can't help but think human beings haven't really come very far in the time we've been here. Granted, human history is but a blink in the eye of universe.
  14. It's not like someone's holding your eyelids open like that guy and forcing you to read posts you don't want to read. Are they? Cuz I'll cal 911 for you if someone's got you tied up in their basement and is torturing you by making you read the forum here. I know somtimes it can be hell.
  15. Not possible. Believe me I've tried, but somehow people always manage to fall short of my very low expectations. Any aliens that came to earth, especially right now, I expect would be extremely disappointed with what they found, so I'd say people are actually quite fortunate that none have revealed themselves to us... yet.
  16. Dark chocolate raspberry
  17. ... they don't want you to see them. Just remember, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. Who's to say, they could be watching you right now... this very moment, as you're snacking on your Cheetos. Hah! Yeah right. I think any beings advanced enough to easily traverse the cosmos and be able to reach other worlds wouldn't have physical bodies or desires anymore, so interacting with creatures like us would be of no interest to them. Actually, we'd be nothing more than another piece of the scenery to them I bet.
  18. If you can find out what Gohma really is you'll know how to kill it. Pssst... Try some bug spray.
  19. Am I the only one who thinks that frog is kinda cute? Probably.
  20. When I here the name Gohma, it makes me think of Ganon. Look! It's Link with his golden bat... err sword. LOL
  21. Harley Quinn season 1 That was a lot funnier than I thought it would be, mostly thanks to King Shark and Clayface. The parody they did on Bane from TDK Rises was hysterical, too.
  22. I love the flavor of oregano on pizza. That's about the only thing I eat in on though. It's supposed to go well with stuff with tomatoes in it, like chili.
  23. I knew that bird was going to play a big role in the story eventually, but wow, wasn't expecting it to be a girl. She reminds me a lot like Kraehe from Princess Tutu. Pretty cool too we finally got to see the first wizard king and find out the identity/origin of the demon from the legend.
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