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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Excel Saga 21 - 26 Well that was certainly somethin... somethin... well it was somethin. Uh huh. Probably the wackiest series I'd say I've ever seen at the very least. I was actually a little disappointed though they didn't go through with making the whole final, final episode into a muscial one like they suggested they were going to do at the start of it. Alas. Funny though, I actually started to think over that last stretch of episodes that maybe Jessica Calvello came back to voice Excel. Her replacement Larissa Wolcott must have gotten more comfortable with the role it seems and picked up her pace and got more screechy sounding from the strain along the way. Guess everyone starts to sound a bit the same when they're talking a mile a minute.
  2. I have one that I communicate with, but it only does so mostly when it feels really bored and wants to torture me a little to blow off some steam. Yeah, aliens pretty much suck, but then again so do we, so we're not really all that different I suppose no matter where we come from.
  3. Find some of his friends and make them race. Might as well make some money off it. And believe it or not, yes cockroach racing is a real thing.
  4. OMG... I feel bad for that poor dog, but that may be the greatest thing ever. 🤣 Who in their right mind thinks of these things?
  5. Excel Saga 18 - 20 Geez, this show doesn't just break the so called fourth wall... it breaks the first, second, and third, and then for the heck of it builds a fifth one just so it can go and break that one, too. I think that's the only way I can think of describing it.
  6. Living maybe, but only till it gets like that and you're squeezed to death by them.
  7. The kisses are just to get you high so you don't notice when their big sharp, shiny teeth start making a meal outta you.
  8. You're right, I do. It was always my worst subject in school. Just wish I could speak another language. I'm probably too old/lazy to learn one now. I'm gonna give learning Japanese a try eventually, but I kind of doubt I'll get very far. Although, now that I think of it. Both acai and museli are words that were borrowed from other languages, so can't really blame the English language for those two.
  9. You're not. This is all just a dream. See those rainbow colored unicorns behind you that are nibbling on your brains?
  10. Acai and Muesli I can never pronounce them correctly. I hate words whose pronounciation don't at all match the way they're spelled.
  11. Awwww. I hope he doesn't do what his job title implies. 😟
  12. What are you gonna do with him?
  13. Yeah, I laughed at that. Anyway, Lil' Slugger gets the last laugh. Score one for the home team.
  14. 510? I thought the answer to life the universe and everything was 42.
  15. Excel Saga 13 - 17 Hm, Excel's new English VA is actually a bit easier to follow. She seems to speak a little slower than Jessica Calvello, and isn't anywhere near as screechy, though that could just be because where I'm at she had just taken over and had yet to have her vocal cords thorougly decimated from playing the part all that much thus far. Her seiyuu seems to talk even faster though amazingly. I can only surmise she managed to make it through the role intact due to her greater vocal fortitude and experience. As the "Japanimation" episode made clear, she played Sailor Moon, so she'd obviously been in the business for quite a while already.
  16. Who needs major league baseball when Toonami has its very own Lil' Slugger on deck?
  17. Excel Saga 9 - 12 Wow, gotta give this show some credit. It did what I thought was truly impossible; it somehow made bowling fun to watch. Trying to follow all of the dialogue though is a real pain. I swear Excel talks faster than the Micro Machine guy. I'm not even halfway through and I'm already wearing out my thumb from hitting rewind so much.
  18. Oh? Then it must be a trap. What did they put in it? I don't trust anyone trying to give me sumthin for free, let alone pay me to take it from them. Whatever it is it must be truly diabolical.
  19. Yeah, he hates Monday's, too. And Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and Thursdays... pretty much just every day I guess. Oh, and he ate your lasagna, too. I saw it. 🤫
  20. I just bought some last time I went to the supermarket. Been using a lot since I've been cooking at home a lot more. If this keeps up, soon crude might be cheaper and I might have to consider getting some and try cooking with it instead. 😝
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