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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. This episode in a nutshell. My one and only takeaway from this episode is those ladies need to get a hobby, cuz they've clearly got too much time on their hands.
  2. Don't honestly know. I use the clean the hard drive tool to get rid of old unnecessary files from time to time when it stars to slow down a bit, but other than that I don't do much of anything special and it keeps running pretty fine. I was thinking it wouldn't be long before I'd have to replace it a few years ago, but somehow it's still going strong.
  3. Okay. They should remake The Last Starfighter. They've remade every other movie from my childhood, so why not?
  4. Took me like 20 seconds. Nice to see my kitty radar is still fully functional. đŸ˜º
  5. There are so many card games though, so it would still be worth it.
  6. Well, it's InuYasha, so one would think his wife would be Kagome. She's 15 when the anime starts, so technically in Japan I think that makes her legal actually.
  7. Don't honestly know that much about the difference between computer brands, but I've been an HP laptop for past 8 years at least, and it still runs really well. Kinda surprised it's lasted this long on me, cuz the last laptop I had had all sorts of problems after only like 5 years.
  8. Trump Too easy. Even if the only effect is to make people have to call him by his first name, which he probably hates because a duck from Walt Disney made it famous first.
  9. I would think the one dressed like Kagome is the mom.
  10. No way, not me. I'm OCD enough as it is. Having something like that to check would just drive me nuts.
  11. Sigh. You had me going. For a second there I thought maybe he really was coming, but alas... https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/no-the-maya-did-not-predict-the-end-of-the-world-on-21-june-2020 "This time, various "news" venues are repeating a story that scholars got the date wrong, and the actual date is next week, on 21 June. They say that a scientist, Paolo Tagaloguin, tweeted about this. In these tweets (since deleted, they claim), Tagaloguin says: Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012… The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days… For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years. Here's the thing: This is wrong. The Gregorian calendar does not lose 11 days per year! Basically, the Julian calendar, which was widely used a long time ago, didn't account for leap years very well, so hundreds of years ago countries started switching to the Gregorian calendar, which does a better job (though it's a little complicated). When they did, the calendar had to jump forward a bunch of days to compensate for days missed— usually about 10 or 11 days — but it was only done once. Not every year. So the claim that somehow 8 years have been skipped is wrong. Second, that doesn't matter anyway, because the 21 December 2012 date was converted from the Maya calendar to the Gregorian one in the first place. So there's no reason to even bring the Julian calendar into this. It doesn't make sense."
  12. Simple. Lion picks up the ax in his jaws, then flings it so it cuts off the snake's head and hits the guy in the tree. When he falls, step on the gators, grab him, and jump back onto land and trot off with his meal. King of the jungle baby!
  13. That' easy. Cuz the folks at Adult Swim are just messed up. If you look at it that way, makes perfect sense they'd pick a show like this for Toonami.
  14. Cuz he realized, they're already dead. Probably died in the building. Crows are asociated with the afterlife of course. Explains too why Little Slugger wanted nothing to do with them.
  15. Cue the creepy music. Maybe it'sa bear? He's here the great little slugger. Can we have your autograph! LOL
  16. Whoa! đŸ˜¶ Someone just stole their thunder. Don't you hate it when that happens.
  17. Yep. Done to celebrate the coming of age of children when they reach ages 7, 5 and 3 years old.
  18. Chitose candy, given traditionally on Shichi-Go-San festval.
  19. I remember this one. This is actually one of my favorite episodes.
  20. Horde just makes me think of zombies.
  21. I almost never really remember any of my dreams though. I haven't watched any spooky movies or anything like that lately that I could see giving rise to one like this either, which is how come it just seems so strange to me that I would suddenly have one like this. It felt kind of unreal, but I don't think I was really at all aware it was a dream till it was totally over, but despite that I wasn't scared at all by what was happening for some reason. The more I think about it, the more I'm wondering if that could be because the children represented like different pieces of myself maybe somehow. That there were two of them and they were looking out a window or windows makes me think they could be like a pair of eyes.
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