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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Yeah, gotta remember, even after however they manage to make their way out of this mess, they all gotta watch out for the force field again once they head on back outside. It's something the villagers haven't had to worry about for a long time, too, so any of them that make it out of this probably especially have to be extra careful about that.
  2. Yeah, I saw it. I remember them saying how many uses of his incinerator he has left the helmet indicates, but nothing about it wiping his memory if he runs out of power though. Wasn't the reason he electrocuted himself to shut down the security system anyway? I don't think it was supposed to be for the purpose of recharging himself. It did wind up supercharging him, but it mad him go out of control and brought out another personality, which all seemed like it was an unintended effect. It seems a bit of a leap either way to assume that caused his memory loss before.
  3. Is this based on knowledge of stuff that hasn't happened yet though? Cuz I don't recall anything about him being down to his last shot or the fact that him using them up would wipe his memory. Please try to be mindful to mark stuff that's spoilery, kay? I'm not that big of a stickler about spoilers, but I'd still prefer to keep some of the mystery about stuff alive.
  4. I can't believe some electricity is all it would take to power a weapon like that. Anyway, he used the weapon to save Riko before he got taken to the orphanage, so that can't be what it was. Something must of happened after he met Faputa to when he saved Riko that explains why he didn't use it to blast a hole in the village and fulfill Faputa's wish in the past. Of course there's whatever it was that made him lose his memory; that could have something to do with it. Otherwise, my only thought is maybe it has to do with finding his haku, the thing most precious to him maybe, which would obviously be Riko. Maybe that's what it took for him to use it. Still wouldn't explain exactly how come he knew about what it could do if he hadn't used it before though. Oh, and as to the name. For that theory to be true, Lyza would have needed to have met him before he met Faputa in the Golden City (since he told her his name was Reg in the flashback), which given the time dilation between layers seems really unlikely. I expect a lot of the secrets with regards to Reg though may not be explained until the very end of the story.
  5. Cut their way in?! What good does being inside do then if you let the poison gas in with you?
  6. Brook giving up the ghost. "At least I'll have plenty of company soon." 🤣
  7. Welcome to dragon airlines. Pleas fasten your seatbelts and keep your scale tables in upright position.
  8. That was confusing. Reg couldn't use his erasure weapon before because he wasn't sure what would happen to him if he did? And this was before he lost his memory? So what made it so he could use it then? And how could he know it would erase stuff if he hadn't ever used it before? They seriously got some splaining to do about that. Also reminded me there's still the big question of how the heck Riko knew his actual name when it seemed like she was just making it up originally. Yet another clifhanger ending, too. Why must they keep doing that. Aggggh!
  9. Carnage. What carnage. Damn. Uh oh. Now it's a showdown... but a first a commercial break.
  10. Who knows? I mean, the cradle's changing Irunmyuui's body may have just been specific to her wish to be able to have children and create a safe place for everyone. If Riko were to wish to free them from being bound to the village, then it wouldn't necessarily call for it to change her body in order to accomplish that. Of course, if Faputa winds end slaughtering them all, kind of a moot point.
  11. Oh no, I was referring to Riko, not Faputa. Riko said when talking to Wazukyan that she'd had something like that happen to her before after asking him about her potentially using the power of the cradles of desire. I was just wondering what she was referring to exactly and speculating that maybe it had to do with Prushka's wish to go along with them turning her into a white whistle.
  12. Calm as cucumbers despite everything. Seems like Law has got another card to play.
  13. LOL Chopper still doesn't know how to hide properly.
  14. You remember that party we had in Pompei? Yeah, everyone was stoned.
  15. Reminds me of the ash cloud spewed out from an erupting volcano.
  16. That's true, but didn't Riko also say she had done something like that before. Not sure exactly what she was talking about. Only thing I can think of maybe is if she's referring to Prushka.
  17. She saw they were with Reg before they ever got to the village. Remember she visited them when they were sleeping and took some of Riko's hair, so I doubt she would want to hurt either of them since they had nothing to do with what happened to her mother.
  18. Cliffhanger ending. Dang! Is she just gonna destroy them all? Kind of doubt it somehow. Riko was talking about making a wish to set them free to continue searching the Abyss, but I dunno how exactly she can manage to accomplish anything of the sort with how things are looking now.
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