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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Scoping out her white whistle,
  2. How low can this show go? Can't imagine things can get any more tragic than last week.
  3. It makes Smiley even more deadly. And there's the trick.
  4. That's it! I'm pulling out what's left of my Halloween stash and treating myself tonight.
  5. Now that's a candy! Gimme that! Knowing my luck though, I bet it's butterscotch. Yeck!
  6. Go mocha! She's actualy snapping out of it a bit. Does she have more willpower than the rest, or is the withdrawal symptoms starting to actually wear off maybe a bit?
  7. Wow, what an absolutely tragic tale all around. I kind of got a new respect for Belaf though I'll say. He couldn't go along with what they were doing to Irumyuui. Kind of seems out of character though for him to then take Nanachi like he did, but I guess in a way it's what Nanachi wanted.
  8. She transformed Belaf?! So she became the village itself then. Wow. What's poor Vueko gonna do?
  9. Freakier and freakier. This show really doesn't hold back. Gotta love it. So her true wish has yet to come to fruition then, huh? Can't wait to see what all sorts of crazy this turns out to be.
  10. I've heard of paying an arm and a leg for something, but that's just supposed to be a saying. Geez!
  11. LOL That's right. So he does have a weakness: scuba divers and astronauts.
  12. Well, on the bright side, it's starting to look like Sanji might just get to keep Nami's body after all. Had a feeling he took the air away from the others. Mean's then what? The only way to beat him is to be able to hold your breath for quite a while.
  13. Yeah, me too, but I guess that does make a lot more sense. Think this show just has us conditioned to expect the worst.
  14. Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking, and sadly looks like it turned out to be true. Damn though, that was even crueler than I anything I could have imagined. Having babies, just to have them die over and over again. Jeez, and did they go and end up eating her? That's what certainly seemed to be suggested at the end. What the heck did that poor girl ever do, seriously?
  15. Wish granting egg? Uh oh... I think I see where this is going.
  16. They just had to let the cute little pet get eaten. Of course. That made me sad inside. Well, at least we'll finally get to see what happened to the Vueko and her group. Gotta say, I'm a little surprised they didn't immediately meet with more disaster, but I guess it's just a matter of time.
  17. Think Ozen mentioned that the fifth layer and below time can pass quickly without one realizing it.
  18. LOL Riko rallied everyone to take it down like William Wallace. Uh oh! It's still going? Prushka summoned Reg to the rescue. Cool.
  19. The show has like the weirdest battles now. What's with Toonami shows and slime monsters? First One Piece and now this show, too.
  20. Damn! Slimey, I mean Smiley's not looking so invincible anymore.
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