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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Lazy? I didn't even know it existed till I saw this. Thanks a bunch for the summary. Is there anywhere legal to watch it besides Crunchyroll?
  2. Watched the first few episodes of Thundarr the Barbarian. I vaguely remember seeing some of this as a kid, but honestly about the only part I really remember was the one wizard who's got two faces that he switches between. The animation is just soooo cheap looking by today's standards, it's pretty funny actually to watch. It had pretty decent theme music at least, I'll give it that.
  3. I was AD mostly. Originally came just to discuss Witch Hunter Robin and wound up getting hooked when they added more stuff like Wolf's Rain and FLCL. Later on I eventually migrated more into OA which helped me discover other great shows like Escaflowne. Still a little miffed they never showed that on the block. Movie doesn't count. Man I miss the old smilies.
  4. Finished probably the last stop on my classic sci-fi nostalgia tour with Farscape. Finished all four seasons, which I'm honestly surprised I remembered quite a bit of despite it being like twenty years since I watched it before, as well as the follow up Peacekeeper Wars movie that I don't actually believe I ever did see. Don't think when I was younger I really appreciated what an amazing series it was. Just so ahead of its time really. Never realized it was actually all done in Australia with an entirely Australian cast of actors with the exception of the lead, Ben Browder. Almost kind of criminal it got axed early by Sci-Fi channel, and especially at the point it did where it was left with such a cliffhanger ending for season 4. Pretty incredible though how fans mobilized a Save Farscape movement that enabled the movie to happen, allowing them to give the story some closure. Wasn't everything I would have hoped for in an ending, but given the producers had planned for two or three more seasons, totally understandable they couldn't tie up all that satisfactorily all of the characters stories. Also, just finished seeing the Survivor season finale
  5. I like that his phony crown broke. The clown is finally down. Now it's time for them all to leave town.
  6. New duds, same bum inside. My money's on Luffy.
  7. ~facepalm~ Man are those henchmen dense. You know what? I was feeling sorry for them, but just forget it now.
  8. He's all gone to pieces. Serves him right.
  9. Shit! He really did cut the dang mountain in half. Gas is coming in now after all. Guess time to escape is running out fast now. They're all lucky that gas is so dang slow.
  10. Ehhhhh... I dunno that seems kind of farfetched I gotta say. I wonder if maybe it just wasn't meant to be some type of exaggerated imagery like to symbolize him putting an end to Punk Hazard's existence itself in effect by destroying the SAD. We'll find out next week in any case.
  11. Yeah, it looked like the whole lab was cleaved open. With the poison gas still outside I would think that would be a seriously bad idea, so I don't see how that could have actually happened. That was a confusing image there I gotta say. Epic move in any case.
  12. Right in the face, and he didn't even flinch. Damn. Smoker may as well be blowing, well.... smoke. Vergo's just a f'ing tank.
  13. Fight! Fight! Fight! Wow, that really left a mark! Nice sucker punch, Luffy.
  14. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 8/10 Didn't really feel much like D & D to me, but it was a fun watch. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 9/10 Gonna miss these misfits. Definitely left me feeling a bit melancholic. Great capper to their story. Still like the original the best, but this was right up there with it amongst my favorite Marvel movies.
  15. What the F were the people at CNN smokin' giving him a so-called town hall stacked with nothing but his supporters as the audience to cheer on what you knew was gonna be an hour long non-stop barrage of lies?! Isn't the whole point of having a town hall to have a group of ordinary people representative of the whole of the country to have a chance to ask questions of a candidate? Is CNN that desperate for ratings that they would agree to such a term to have him appear on their network?
  16. Caesar trying to reason with Luffy... Clearly he's not as intelligent as he thinks he is.
  17. I think Caesar just crapped his pants. Except he doesn't have any. Ha!
  18. How is gas outpacing him? Realistically, the gas should spread throughout the room almost instantly, but why let something as silly as reality spoil our fun right?
  19. As long as there's enough dubbed episodes to warrant it, I expect it's just a matter of time before they double it up again. Whenever there's a lack of new content again is when I expect they'll do it.
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