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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Yeah, another evil cliffhanger. I think Law said that he got Monet's heart though when he gave Caesar his own as insurance, so could definitely make sense. Man I hate the waiting. Really do wish we had double One Piece now.
  2. Wait... maybe Caesar's got Monet's heart. That would be funny. Boom! Nope. Guess not. Dang, I thought Caesar might kill her before she got to push the button, but apparently not. Didn't Law say that he was given Monet's heart in exchange for his own?
  3. Superman the anime. Never thought I'd live to see the day.
  4. Never leave a man behind. Or half a man in this case.
  5. She blew herself up? Was that a Kamikaze attack? How is she not dead after that?
  6. A mirror? Really. Wait, no... a camera! Now that makes sense for a reporter to want.
  7. I think cuz the Unicorn Warriors Eternal episode was extra long.
  8. Twice impeached, twice indicted. Guess it was all so nice he had to do it twice.
  9. Oh yeah, I still remember about that. It was actually confirmed at one point that Sci-Fi channel had it in the works, but guess they dropped the idea before it ever got really into production. I agree though, it probably never would have worked out very well, and even if it had, Sci-Fi (SyFy now I guess) has a habit of dropping a lot of good series before they ever get a chance to finish. AMC came up with a show though recently that kind of reminded me of it called A Discovery of Witches. The main character in it is very Robin-like I think, and it's got a nice romance aspect to it between her and a handsome guy who's fairly dark and brooding. Sound familiar? Anyway, good to see you again. It's been a while I think, but I remember you from the discussions back then. They were fun. Ahh, yeah those were the good ol' days.
  10. Hardly anything to feel insulted about really. It's far too hysterical a notion to be taken seriously after all. I mean, if you had to pick someone to speculate about being an alien, I think it'd make a lot more sense to go with someone who comes off as being more highly evolved, rather than someone obviously so much less.
  11. Frankybot! So is he gonna be her opponent? Guess not tonight at least. Gotta wait till next week again. Sigh.
  12. Killed eight of her fiances... Like the old song, I've heard of cruel to be kind, but that's just ridonculous.
  13. Nice. We get to see Caesar[ getting his ass kicked all over again. For once I'm grateful for recaps.
  14. They need to find a chef. Sounds like a job for the chairman.
  15. Looks like my first attempt at baking. They're eating it. Uggggggh!
  16. Check the first post. There was a special that wasn't aired that introduced him.
  17. Ukyo Gen with the mind games. ROFL Whoops, I meant Gen. I'ts been a while, so messing up names.
  18. Geez! Kohaku's a one woman harvest machine. You go girl!
  19. Wheat! They gonna start making bread now? About time they expanded the food supply. Ramen noodles can only get you so far. Break time, so me, I'm getting some popcorn.
  20. How did Senku get free? Dumb luck. Yep.
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