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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. I'm not 100% sure, but I think she said it the same way as Tom and Sara.
  2. I belive Emma said it, when she was telling Higan the name of his Gusoku gear.
  3. How is your great cause served by killing an innocent kid? Yamaji's a real turd.
  4. Yeah, that's how it was pronounced in another anime I saw, so I was thinking it was strange the way they were saying it in this show, too.
  5. Rewatched season one of The Expanse. Now that the series is wrapped up, figured I'd finally go and see the rest of it. Saw the first two seasons back when it aired on Syfy, but didn't get to see any of the rest after they dumped it and it got picked up by Amazon. Kind of glad I waited in a way, as I'm able to follow a lot of what's going on in it better now than I feel like I did back when I was watching just an episode a week. It's the kind of show that's really made to be binged I think.
  6. Why's he using a gun though when he's got that string shot? Just doing it for style I guess.
  7. So much for I fought the law and the law won.
  8. "Go to hell!" Crowd oughta take its own advice.
  9. I think it's just his normal power really. He's probably just able to use it to completely control ordinary people who can't sense and avoid his strings. It's why he basically can't do it to someone like Law.
  10. I can't wait till Luffy makes a Flamingo burger out of this guy.
  11. Not early on, but in last season or two some of them became capable of climbing and turning doorknobs/handles.
  12. The show is about revenge, so honestly makes sense. Gives them even more now to get revenge for.
  13. Wonka 9/10 I must have watched the original classic starring Gene Wilder like a gazillion times when I was a kid. I didn't care much for the remake, so I was kind of not expecting this to be that great either. So glad I was wrong. Even though it's a totally new story, right from the start they did a wonderful job of honoring the original. The music and sets were amazing, and I don't think anyone could of done a better job of playing a young Wonka probably than Timothee Chalamet managed to do.
  14. People trust the king enough to just give em their money. So heartwarming. Aww, don't you just love the way they give you a little hope, just so they can crush it. Yep, you knew it was coming. Doflamingo, you bastard, turning the king and soldiers into puppets and using them to slaughter the citizenry
  15. Rooster Head as a term of endearment. Who woulda thunk?
  16. Clouded in despair and hopelessness... That's how he saw the world... before. LOL
  17. Yep, running for your life sounds like a welcome change of pace compared to being trapped in that awful place all right.
  18. It's the end of the world as we know it... and he feels fiiiiine. Look alive you dead heads!
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