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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Romance? Huh, I still need to catch up on that. Been DVRing it, but haven't gotten around to watching the latest episodes. I rewatched a good chunk of season 2 of Resident Alien to refresh my memory a bit before the season 3 premiere the other night. The idea that any aliens advanced enough to reach our planet could possibly be anywhere near as monumentally stupid as Harry is -- it's just so ridiculous. Still, I can't help but love this show.
  2. As long as they're doing regular updates I'm not honestly all that worried. Yeah, it has taken a lot longer than it normally does, but stuff happens. Right Stuf being acquired by Croll likely has a lot to do with things being derailed a bit, so it's understandable given the circumstances.
  3. Blew her away with the fart cannon. Nice. Of course the fart beats art any day.
  4. That was hilarious. Her curiosity got the better of her and she got caught in the act.
  5. Takina's a total tsundere.
  6. Nah, I'd say it's cuz it's anime and cute girls are better at drawing the target demographic.
  7. Everyone getting painted up. Heh. So they're referring to the petrification and revival process as Dr. Stone now. Title makes perfect sense finally.
  8. Finally got a chance to watch the second season of Star Trek - Strange New Worlds. This is without a doubt my favorite Trek series since Deep Space Nine, and I don't say that lightly. Fantastic sophomore season on all fronts, but aughhh! They ended it with such a nasty cliffhanger, it's just torturous having to wait for season 3 now to see how things are gonna get resolved. My favorite episode though was definitely the trial episode, which I thought kind of embodied everything Star Trek is really about. The Lower Decks crossover and musical episodes were a ton of fun, too.
  9. Guess Luffy never heard of the five-second rule. He's like a food vacuum cleaner after all.
  10. That's right. Paired with the revival fluid, that thing is like the ultimate medical device, so they can save Shishio now with a snap. Should have realized that sooner.
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