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Everything posted by pail

  1. Goku fights Gowasu. Some of the Goku Black stuff. Goku clowning on the furfags in the UST prelims. Then the ultra instinct stuff and that's like it.
  2. Well. I've never stolen anything more valuable than a couple cases of beer. So I wouldn't know about any of that.
  3. There's only, like, 30 minutes worth of clips that are worth watching from that entire series.
  4. Never heard of that.
  5. I don't know what is this.
  6. I like their Four Chord Song routine. I try not to read into it too much, though. It gets meta really quick and you start wondering about things that don't really have clear answers. Like why do these chords sound "good" in this order etc.
  7. Burn it w/ lighter fluid?
  8. Fine. I'll send it to scrapyard y'all ain't want it.
  9. Got it helping a friend clean out their storage unit. I honestly have no use for it. It would probably cost like $20 to ship but I don't want it.
  10. I'm generally terrible at phone stuff, especially calls involving monetary exchange and customers with a million questions. Being forced to do it has... resulted in personal tactics, but like I said I've never been coached so usually am terrible at projecting confidence. I do find that when I deliver prompts with authority people will generally go along with the flow more willingly. The worst calls are ones that start off strong but you get curveballed in the middle or end.
  11. Since I've never been formally trained with regards to customer service, I can't say whether this is a good or bad habit; but if someone calls in with a bit more drawl than I naturally affect, I will lay it on a little thicker if I'm confident I can do it convincingly. The personal reasoning being that I think it makes them feel more comfortable to talk to someone who sounds similar to themselves.
  12. Surprisingly, no. My best guess is that spicy foods simply aren't that popular. I was really sad when McDonald's retired the jalapeƱo doubles.
  13. It's pretty good. I'd give it, like... 3/5. Ya know? Anyway. Why don't more places have spicy chicken sandwiches?
  14. These are some of my favorite clips of animation set to music.
  15. Quickie for beginners demonstrating how to start utilizing the pentatonic notes and beginning to step outside "the box" and experiment with different shapes, rhythms and patterns with the pentatonic notes. Horrible production value, sorry. I'll work on a much more pleasant presentation next time. Little bonus at the end got cut because my phone storage is butts. Sorry about that.
  16. Okay not funny. Srsly you guys. You better not be stalking me.
  17. Stahp! It also doesn't help that I usually fall asleep watching ghost videos or SCP/creepypasta narrations.
  18. For the past few weeks I've sometimes left my phone on the YouTube app with autoplay on and when I wake up, it'll either be paused on the same video or only one ahead from the previous (if they're shorter videos). Granted I could be hitting the phone in my sleep or unconsciously turning off the noise after a late night bathroom break, but I certainly don't remember doing anything. And I've left my phone on autoplay while awake and it will play for hours on end, plugged in or not until it runs out of battery even. I also have no power saving measures enabled. And I have YouTube Red, so it shouldn't be a case of ads interrupting anything.
  19. pail


    Blow it out your ass.
  20. Diversion was not the main reason for the opioid crisis. There was a massive criminal element operating within the pharmacuetical manufacturing sector stealing literally thousands of cases of these medications and flooding the streets with them.
  21. Lol. Oh, the sick people are pieces of shit? Not the Chinese and Mexican drug pushers spiking heroin with deadly fentanyl in an asymmetrical assault on Americans, huh.
  22. pail


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