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Everything posted by pail

  1. It has some tedious filler eps but it's lightyears better than GT.
  2. WREKT! > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujbFiZp_8hE
  3. I think they were at their best when they decided to recruit Sammy Hagar in lieu of David Lee Roth.
  4. Mother of the year.
  5. Nice?
  6. This is the first episode I'm viewing of the actual tournament part. Dropped it for several weeks because I wanted to binge watch the tournament section. Looks like there's several episodes I need to catch up on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7sQ-qs7R3A
  7. Easier to drink. I don't have a wine glass so I just drink them one at a time. Anyway I just picked up a 750ml bottle of Pink Moscato so I'll probably have to drink that out of a pint glass. And I got a bottle of Smirnoff Ice Screwdriver. It's orange flavored.
  8. I usually go with White Zinfandel, Sangria or Pink Moscato. They're pretty enjoyable and easy for casual wine drinkers.
  9. Well, several 187ml bottles of wine. Which is pretty much a bottle of wine. Plus I got a little sticky to make my night even better. I propose a toast, in honor of all the people here who plan on getting schwasted tonight.
  10. Said no one ever! Boom! > > > > >
  11. They already did. It was called 'First Class'.
  12. It honestly has so little connection to the other films that you don't have to. Shit, I've seen every film except Apocalypse and even I didn't know what the hell they were referencing in the movie. Apparently some guy named Xander killed like almost all the mutants off and only Wolverine and Professor X and some albino motherfucker are the only ones left.
  13. Yeah. Save your money for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Or Power Rangers. -_'
  14. I give it a 7/10. It's pretty meh, tbh. Very singular and self-contained. There's only like 10 mutants in the entire film. Only reason I give it such a high score is because X-Men finally had the balls to go hard 'R' rating, so you get to see Wolverine chop off a few faces.
  15. You just don't like it because it's not watermelon flavoured.
  16. While perusing for booze I saw a new Four Loko. Anyone tried it?
  17. Pavement ape?
  18. http://www.scp-wiki.net/
  19. True fax. Do you know what makes, or breaks, a horror franchise? Exposure. That's why there isn't any more intrigue or mystery behind characters like Jason Vorhees, Freddy Krueger or Micheal Myers. Another classic example would be Darth Vader, and I'm going to paraphrase somebody who summed it up succinctly with: "How Darth Vader became Darth Vader is not as interesting as Darth Vader himself." Toodles.
  20. This is a manufactured stunt. They know this is going to spur debate long after their stupid the award show is over. I smell Jew all over this.
  21. Her last name is Stone, you dolt.
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