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Everything posted by pail

  1. Steven Universe is a dumpster fire, not anime.
  2. That tends to happen when you have a very narrow world view.
  3. You know, where they pull one of their eyelids down and stick their tongue out? Does that particular expression have a proper name? Is it just a Nipponese thing? What is the cultural context of that and why did it disappear not too long after anime started to become really popular with Western audiences? Is it making fun of Westerners and their big round eyes? Is round eye a slur for Westerners?
  4. Profile > Look and Layout > Scroll down to where it says 'Messages to display per page'.
  5. I never changed mine and it's only 3. The plot thickens.
  6. No, she never saw me smoke. My high school had around 1,200 students. We were separated by two grades, only had one class together and were not friends. Plus back then I only smoked on my way to and from school.
  7. I didn't start smoking until I was 16. She never saw me smoke. As far back as I can remember all my teachers thought I smoked because my parents smoked and I guess the smell stuck to my clothes.
  8. In high school one of my Spanish teachers forced me to sit in the very back of the classroom because one girl kept complaining that I smelled like cigarettes. I'm pretty sure that wasn't technically legal but I hated the girl and the teacher so I did just enough to scrape by with a C and started torching bowls before class so I could sleep through it.
  9. Safelite repair, Safelite replace.
  10. Oh man, I forget what breed that is but they are such adorable dogs.
  11. There really isn't anything else to say about this, though. Anyway, I think we should just turn this into a puppy thread.
  12. That's not very nice, stilgar.
  13. It's probably just a very halfhearted attempt at jimmie rustling. I hope it is, for OP's sake. If not we're looking at some pretty heavy projection.
  14. Rule 34 is okay, as long as it's tasteful.
  15. Plausible deniability. As the weaker of the sexes, women have to set up contingency plans if their squishbox gets hot for another guy/they get bored/etc. So they can pretend to have an excuse for leaving you once the gravy train slows to a halt and not look like a whore/gold digger/etc.
  16. You could have left out the bit about the gay parts. I, for one, didn't even know there was any of that in the movie. But now mochi is gonna sniff this thread out and complain about how because there wasn't just flagrant man on man ass fucking in the movie that it's not progressive enough.
  17. Why hasn't Uub appeared in Dragon Ball Super yet? I mean canonically he was technically in Dragon Ball Z, right? Also I just watched Whis . That doesn't have anything to do with the question just... wow.
  18. Story wasn't the same...? Like, from the manga? I haven't read the manga so I wouldn't know. I know there are several differences between the manga and the anime adaptation but never saw them as being that significant.
  19. pail


    Also... I mean, it's kinda funny that they took his booking photo with him dressed as the Joker. But, isn't that kind of pointless? Like, aren't those supposed to serve as reference and data for law enforcement? What did they put on his rap sheet? Hair color: green, eyes: white? I dunno. You think they'd have scrubbed him down a little bit before taking his mugshot.
  20. pail


    I found that odd, too. So he was arrested for some weird law about wearing a mask? Not, you know, waving a sword around in public? Fucking Virginia, man...
  21. pail


    Do we have any posters that live in Virginia? http://abcnews.go.com/US/virginia-police-arrest-sword-wielding-man-dressed-joker/story?id=46365754
  22. Why whatever do you mean. Berserk 2016 had great animation that was smooth, flowing and pleasant to look at at all times. =]
  23. Finally. I don't know about the rest of you but that text crawl at the end of season 1 with the music and Griffith flying away on a unicorn was just so gay. Hopefully this concludes this arc of the story in a more satisfying fashion.
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