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Everything posted by pail

  1. "Fo' instance. No matta how many times I slam dunk da ball... the horizon don't change. Woke."
  2. Might as well crack open a Monster energy drink and smoke some Marlboro Lights too. #NyQuilDoubleDose
  3. I didn't even know they were an old brand.
  4. They's Champions, jus' like me! The rock has left the building.
  5. No more anchor accounts!
  6. The registration and vetting process just got 10 feet higher!
  7. I don't speak Catanese. Maybe the gif of the keyboard cat will cross the language barrier.
  8. Scrapyard has a adorable kitteh.
  9. And you've never seen a man's ass jump out your window onto the fire escape after he sobered up. You know, since we're just making shit up now.
  10. You realize that a Bowflex isn't supposed to do either of those things when you get on one, right?
  11. Fuggs and her 3 lb lobster.
  12. Maybe if you ate less food you wouldn't be so thirsty.
  13. Fuggs, eat a Sniggers. You're not you when you're hungry.
  14. How can you even tell?
  15. Also, prone to mood swings due to rapidly fluctuating glucose levels.
  16. Diabetics tend to have dry skin.
  17. The Mandorin
  18. Why in the ever loving fuck would I want to own a Nintendo "console"? Nintendo jumped the shark with the Wii and is only successful because their products pander to the LCD demographics; i.e. morons like you. "Huurrrr look I'm bowling duuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
  20. Joe Cartoon was better.
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