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Everything posted by eklipse

  1. I love it when unnecessary meetings are cancelled. Also never realized you can spell it with one “l” or two. Canceled and cancelled. 🤔
  2. Nope! I read somewhere that if you can’t get 5 solid hours, then brain damage starts. So yea, I’m brain damaged. Also, even if I sleep all the way through, it’s not restful. Too many to-do items in the back of my mind…
  3. As you’re shopping, remember the real reason for this
  4. Too funny! In college, my roommate was an early bird. I’d often get home very late and she would be dead asleep. So, it’s like 2 or 3am and I’m getting ready for bed and she would talk to me in her sleep (!) - so hilarious. Of course she never remembered it and somehow our conversations were woven into her dream, making them even weirder.
  5. You sound like a good baker scoob. Weren’t you going to offer ice cream cake tips too in another thread?
  6. Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 - 1st episode of Hidden Inventory/Premature Death Mashle episode 8 (so sad the manga is over now) One Piece 1068
  7. Are we allowed to do dank memes? Let me know I can edit it out. 😂
  8. That sounds kinda neat actually. Like playing in a McDonald’s ball pit but I guess bottles are less comfortable lol.
  9. That sounds so good! My dinner has the opposite reaction: zucchini casserole w/ kimchi. It’s a vegan dish and I love it. Although the imagery is probably
  10. eklipse

    Pokémon Go

    Anyone else playing this 7th anniversary event? I want a shiny Ponyta so badly. 🥲 I think the Pokémon Go gods are mocking me because I got two shiny squirtle instead. He barely even looks shiny. 🥲
  11. I had a weird work dream. Yucko. Hate dreaming about work.
  12. Happy belated birthday! 🥳
  13. Lmao - yes! And frustrating to open too. Like, damnit, why can’t all the sides just pop off?
  14. About how funny it would be if all these cross-over novels were written
  15. Vacuuming (we have two sets of stairs) and two levels. We always have a ton of dust too. I think I need to get the vents cleaned.
  16. This thread might brutal during your cleanse lol
  17. I had spaghetti last night (w/lots of sauce), watermelon and edamame.
  18. That sounds pretty cool - write it ghosty!!
  19. Your dreams probably evaporate too quickly. There was a time in my life when my head hit the pillow and it felt like seconds when I was waking up again (ugh, awful time). I didn’t remember my dreams then either but I was just exhausted/running ragged.
  20. Good for you. I’ve never done a cleanse. How long are you doing it for?
  21. 😂
  22. You are so talented! So amazing. I bought a Victorian dress from an antique shop back in high school. It had a cute little bow bustle. It was more conservative looking tho because the collar was high. I have a pic but I won’t post it.
  23. Wolf Children Theater of Darkness: Yami Shibai. Each episode is only 4 minutes but they’re creepy… I should stop watching because I’m too easily scared 😂
  24. I like when threads are detailed! Always fun to see the side convos. Anyways most of what I post is nonsense.
  25. That’s really detailed! Wow, trippy. When I was a kid, I had a recurring dream about a neighborhood (that I’ve never seen in RL). I would dream of going there like weekly and they were continuation dreams - so really trippy. Later, the neighborhood burned down and I wasn’t able to return. I still remember the other kids, houses, gardens, our bikes, etc. Anyways, this recurring neighborhood dream made me interested in lucid dreaming because maybe I was controlling it and that’s why they were continuation dreams.
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