it was spoiled for me, that's the only reason I'm watching it, I had been writing it off as a "romantic male friendship" anime until ep 7 was spoiled for me
the only negtive thing I thought about the WiiU was how horrible the name was, still do, and still think the Wii's name is horrible
otherwise I didn't think anything was wrong with it
I don't feel strongly one way or the other about the Switch....other than being sad that the WiiU is already dead
that Marco Diaz is a transgender girl
before you get all anti-sjw on me.....there is a laaaarge ammount of jokes and subtext implying it, including(pics shamelessly stolen from a tumblr blog I found focused on this very subject)
as noted, Yuri on Ice, episode one was spectacular, great animation, actual male fanservice(I'm talking Butts people), and gay subtext that I have prior knowlage is ACTUALLY REAL, this is amazing
I was avoiding it due to assuming, like every other homoerotic Sports anime of the last 4 years that it would end with all the guys Paired up with girls and shoot down any chance of any of them being gay.........but for reasons I cannot say without giving a huge spoiler, I no longer have that worry, and will therefor actually enjoy the show
nutcase contrarian
jk I actually find undertale pretentious, I just like the music:|
(I also have an issue with Frisks "racially ambiguous" design including thin eyes bowl-cut hair and yellow skin, all of which are negative asian stereotypes)
well good luck with that Miyazaki....considering you have no staff or friends to help you
(and the last director who tried to make a feature length traditionally animated film by himself never completed it...**cough**Princessandthecobbler**)
Elijah Wood is a gift to mankind
Edit: does FF15 seriously start with you pushing a broken down car to a Gas Station?
edit again: maybe it's just Conan and Elijah lampooning it.........but a lot of what they're playing seems like a TERRIBLE rip-off of Xenoblade chronicles