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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. Chichi certainly got over her Husband telling her he'd rather be dead then spend another second with her very fast
  2. Buu kai has a different opening?.............thank god
  3. mmngh, guess Kishimoto is just following the leader
  4. FINAL EPISODE TIEM!!! until after new years anyway
  5. ON SECOND THOUGHT..................I assume Kishimoto is not involved in this...........and frankly......Naruto's filler is the only part of the show that's watchable.......so............Boruto might actually be a lot better than Naruto ever was
  6. unless a rush-dub is produced like funi did with Deadman Wonderland
  7. there are several reasons, horrible animation quality, massive ammounts of female exploitation and overall Misogyny, the Gay thing and that it's all so clichee and predictable
  8. I might end up with a puke myself inside out hangover cause I had a martini earlier tonight and I'm following it up with beer
  9. so am I from a bile fascination point of view I'm getting so P.O'ed with anime lately that the only reason I watch it now is to get drunk and make fun of it
  10. what was the deal with that thread you made in the gaming folder?.........they moved it to the dumpster fire folder
  11. evidently from what I understand, dispite being canon, Super is operating on an ALTERED canon, meaning some minor details are different, things that could possibly be different include Beerus and Whis may exist just to explain away the plot holes the Minus retcon caused
  12. someone other than me find the homophobia in anime upsetting, finally
  13. Birth By Sleep revealed that Roxas
  14. sorry, I assumed you were asking to mock or provoke me, no I haven't even drawn vagina vegeta yet
  15. I have questions....what kind of game was it supposed to be?, and why did the e-rapist have a cartoon character voice?
  16. fair enough...the closest thing to porn from my adult blog I've posted was a tasteful nude of Vegeta in a hotspring, some of the stuff is so exaggerated it comes across as comedic and I have no intent to post those (I sometimes threaten to when I get drunk though)
  17. all the pics I've drawn of vegeta so far have a cock, the trans man vegeta thing is something I still have yet to draw (and I'm surprised that you react with more disgust to the idea of Vegeta with a vagina than you do him with a dick)
  18. ........okay?
  19. more like "all the people from Silent hills make the game anyway but under a different name as an F.U. to Konami"
  20. I like that they made KawoShin more blatant but yeah....I don't like 3.33 otherwise
  21. it's using the same style as the new mickey mouse shorts so if you're okay with how they look the way the new ducktales looks shouldn't bother you I'm just worried they won't have duck voices
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