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Everything posted by SylyntNyt

  1. Go rip another bong.
  2. Bohemian Grove Take the red pill Go down the rabbit hole
  3. To be fair, these are the people you routinely cape for.
  4. You're just going to have to patiently wait for the cholesterol to work its magic. Sorry bub.
  5. I saw a guy wiping down a counter today and thought, "Wow, people care." I'm can haz an hero nao?
  6. Admission to criminal fraud has been recorded for posterity.
  7. Does Squidward have a dedicated suicide button?
  8. Thank you. This has given me the strength and conviction to finish to this Gozilla Rule 34.
  9. I thought the first letter of every word was gonna spell out something cool. Like "Dino dick." No such luck.
  10. *posts up* My thread now chump.
  11. Using Y's for vowels.
  12. I know a really good sushi place you ever wanna visit. Or we could just get some trashy buffet food. Depends on how cavalier you are towards the prospect of eating parasites.
  13. You in the FL? There must be more than one Gainesville.
  14. I want to storm a church while organ music and guitar solos play out in the background, gunning down members of a syndicate and getting grabbed by the face and thrown out of a window by an emo dude and a grenade blows up.
  15. Nah. You're supposed to say something like "I sent her like 20 DMs on Twitter and she's just giving me the cold shoulder." Then you post an example hinting at your questionable relationship status. Slowly lead people down the path of believing that your stalking a girl on Twitter, etc. This is a terrible Zeni clone.
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