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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. shut up roxas O0
  2. no qb O0
  3. jump on the raider bandwagon, i got an extra seat for you O0
  4. i really hope they dont rebrand. maybe just force the team play some london/mexico games?
  5. why? that doesnt make sense.
  6. oh i wasnt being serious. i just like bringing up all the drama we've had in the past over this. count me in and leave my fates to chance. if i get paired with a guy, im gonna be the woman and you have to buy me everything wink
  7. i wish i could sleep but i got work :D
  8. bump
  9. aw yeah another metroid vote! O0
  10. i kinda want to sign up but last time i got paired with a dude which is a big hell no O0
  11. i'll text you when i get close wink
  12. im a little shy owo
  13. i got all my bags packed, just tell me and we go O0
  14. we like t watch from the shadows O0
  15. take me with you! owo
  16. yoyo O0
  17. i think 13 on here. maybe 18? but that doesnt matter. no one that young is coming here.
  18. i would love a new f-zero entree. the last one was for the gc and that one was really good. all f-zero games have been really good. metroid would be about my top pick. last console one we got was other m which was good but not on the level of the previous titles.
  19. aww man! are you always this indecisive?
  20. i made myself a breakfast sandwich that was pretty good last night. just needed cheese.
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