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Everything posted by DBZ4ever

  1. Watched Castlevania, enjoyed it actually.
  2. They do indeed do that at times.
  3. Does the karma button work? I am going to test it out on you. Looks like it works.
  4. Just wait, it gets worse in season 2!
  5. Nice, good luck.
  6. DBZ4ever

    OH GOD!!!

    Nice, time to ev train the eevees!
  7. What is it on?
  8. A gif, that's strange. Well at least you got it to work.
  9. Good soundtrack for that movie though.
  10. I just kept cropping it and resizing it until it let me. Essentially I would just keep making it a bit smaller and smaller until it eventually said okay. Originally you could see all of her torn outfit and her hair. Now it cuts off a bit before the end.
  11. Yep, as I said in the other thread and I want to let it be known here too, it seems the file size thing has become much more strict. Old avatars I could use, now I can't. If you keep making them smaller they eventually seem to work, so not sure what the actual limitations are.
  12. Yeah the avatar thing essentially tells you that everything has a too large of a file size now. I changed mine last night and found that out. I somehow got it to accept the one I am wearing now, which was why I changed it in the first place but it took some work to get it to take it.
  13. I'm waiting for the SNES classic preorders to go live. I'm hoping I can snag one but luck is usually not with me.
  14. Well that is good to hear.
  15. I tried to do a trick I heard about. If you boot up a backwards compatible game for the 360 on the One you can join people in 360 parties. I tried to at least join your party but it wouldn't let me for some reason.
  16. I do, you are still on my friends list I believe.
  17. Same, I had to relay information between him and KN to get it fixed. Seems having someone inside is the only way to get it fixed currently.
  18. He actually wanted me to tell mochi that but I decided to make a thread for it.
  19. That's not Santa!
  20. He wanted me to tell you all that.
  21. White Diamond is Santa Claus. It came to him in a dream.
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