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Everything posted by DBZ4ever

  1. Schedule for October 5: Disney: 7:00am: Hotel Transylvania series 2:30pm: Hotel Transylvania series 5:00pm: Bizaardvark 8:00pm: Raven's Home 9:00pm: Bizaardvark Syfy: 7:00am: Bram Stoker's Dracula 10:00am: Ghost Storm 12:00pm: Silent Hill 2:30pm: Resident Evil 4:30pm: Insidious Chapter 3 1:30am: Silent Hill Well this sure is deja vu from previous years. Tomorrow is only syfy and disney. The choices are a bit limited. Bram Stoker's Dracula is nice but very early. The recommended movie for tomorrow is Saw. I am not a fan of the saw movies myself but Saw is associated with Halloween a lot.
  2. I did not even see that someone else had suggested Hocus Pocus and Monster Squad. Hadn't reached this page yet. Good to see I wasn't the only one thinking of those. i forgot about Beetlejuice, another good pick. Also the original Sleepy Hollow cartoon is a great pick. It is actually a bit scary to kids for sure. At least it was when I was a kid.
  3. Do you want scary or just Halloween? If scary then well the movie will need to be scary and being scary it is meant to scare so anything along those lines can be seen as too much I guess. I know there are different levels of scare...It also depends on the child and what the child can handle. I could say maybe something classic like Dracula but to some that would be just boring or silly even. I could say sure go with Chucky. Some might see it as just enough but it could absolutely terrify others.Hard to answer really. I'd recommend something that could seem scary to a child but maybe also have enough fun that they can relate to. Possibly something like Monster Squad or even Hocus Pocus. They both have scary enough parts for young children but are not too scary overall. That's just my ideas. Go with what you think the child can handle. Remember that if you scare her too much you'll be the one up all night with her.
  4. Schedule for October 4: Disney: 2:30pm: Hotel Transylvania series IFC: 8:45am: Resident Evil Retribution 3:45pm: Resident Evil Retribution 2:30am: Resident Evil Retribution Syfy: 6:30am: Frankenstein (not the Universal older version) 9:00am: Mothman Prophecies 11:30am: Dead Still 1:30pm: Exorcism of Emily.. 4:00pm: Drag Me to Hell 6:00pm: Resident Evil 8:00pm: Insidious Chapter 3 12:00am: Dead Still 2:00am: Ghost Storm Lite schedule tomorrow but it is really early. Mostly Syfy is your best bet for anything horror tomorrow. There is more Salem's Lot on IFC as well. The recommended movie for October 4th is Resident Evil. I enjoyed the first one the most.
  5. You pointing it out has fixed that. It is the only thing else on tomorrow that comes close to what TCM is showing overall.
  6. Schedule for October 3: Disney: 2:30pm: Hotel Transylvania series 7:30pm: Bunk'd 12:30am: Bunk'd IFC: 12:00pm: Salem's Lot 2:00am: Salem's Lot FX: 10:00pm: American Horror Story TCM: 8:00pm: Frankenstein 9:30pm: Bride of Frankenstein 11:00pm: The Mummy 12:30am: The Wolf Man 2:00am: Island of Lost Souls 3:30am: The Black Cat 4:45amL The Invisible Man Syfy: 12:00pm: The Hollow 2:00pm; Hollow Man 2 4:00pm: Hollow Man 6:30pm: Exorcism -Emily 10:00pm: Drag Me to Hell 12:00am: Mothman Prophecies 2:00am: Scream of Banshee For October 3rd we have a wonderful showing of horror classics from TCM. Honestly I recommend everything they are showing and everything else on this schedule is not important in comparison. These are on very early in the month after the showing of Dracula last night, this completes the Universal monsters for the most part. Enjoy these because I don't think they are back on TCM for the rest of the month at least not in this way.
  7. DBZ4ever

    Spooky Ranks?

    Awesome, thanks.
  8. DBZ4ever

    Spooky Ranks?

    So I see some generic ranks floating around but can we request custom named ones in here or just doing generic ones? Not feeling the flying monkey, I'd rather be A Cursed Werewolf.
  9. Schedule for October 2: Disney: 7:00am: Hotel Transylvania series 3:40pm: Hotel Transylvania series 6:00pm: Jessie 11:00pm: Bizaardvark Syfy: 6:00am: Ominous 8:00am: Scarecrow 10:00am: Zombie Night 12:00pm: Horror House 2:00pm: The Hollow 4:00pm: The Cave 8:30pm: Hollow Man 11:00pm: Hollow Man 2 1:00am: Horror House We only have Disney and Syfy tomorrow for our second day of October. Nothing on the schedule to recommend for a movie so I'll pick one. The recommended movie for tomorrow is the Monster Squad. It's early in the month so let's have some fun.
  10. Also I can't remember if this is the 10 year anniversary or 11. I know I made a monsterfest thread in my early years which evolved into this, but I don't remember if it evolved into this in my second year in 06 or third in 07. I'm not even sure when or how the schedule stuff started, I just started doing it randomly and it stuck...
  11. Schedule for October 1: Disney: 7:00pm: Hotel Transylvania the series 9:00pm: Raven's Home 11:00pm: Hotel Transylvania the series AMC: 9:00pm: Fear the Walking Dead TCM: 8:00pm: Dracula 9:30pm: Dracula's Daughter 11:00pm: Son of Dracula 12:30am: Nosferatu IFC: 11:15am: Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000 Syfy: 9:30am: Ominous 11:30am: Scarecrow 1:30pm: Night of the Wild 11:00pm: The Cave 1:00am: Night of the Wild 3:00am: Zombie Night First day and we have TCM kicking off their month of monsters with Dracula movies. Each Sunday night in October they will be showing some Dracula films. In other places we have Syfy showing movies every day for the 31 days of Halloween and Disney starts out very small this year. My recommendation for tomorrow would be Dracula and Nosferatu. Great classics and a good way to start off this Halloween month.
  12. Yep but it is probably the last one so enjoy.
  13. DBZ4ever

    Halloween 2017

    Once again it is that time of the year. When the season of terror and chills comes about. Halloween! Once again I am making my annual thread(probably for the last time) Here you can discuss all things Halloween but primarily this is a place I use to list horror and Halloween movies for the full month of October. I really enjoy this time of the year and all the movies and such on tv and I hope this makes it a bit easier to find things. This won't have everything for sure but it helps me and I hope others find something every day. I'll once again be recommending movies to watch each day. Sometimes for the list of movies on tv but if nothing good is on then I'll just recommend something on my own. I'll once again be doing the schedule from 6am until 6am. Marathons get broken up if I stop at midnight so I'll do it this way. So let's get to it, time for spooky werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and zombies... So is there something on October 1st? You'll find out soon.
  14. Maybe going to a party, not sure. I guess I should go make my annual Halloween thread in the horror section. I plan on making this one my last one so I better have some fun with it.
  15. I've used rabbit before many times. We used it for our Halloween anime viewing marathon that one year and the DB rewatch. It works pretty good for the most part but if someone's connection is bad they can have problems seeing the stream well.
  16. You work late now?
  17. Remember the Diddler? I bet Rogue_Alphonse[/member] remembers him.
  18. Well I do hate that this happened. When I first joined the Boards way back in 05 I saw he had threads in every folder explaining the rules and such. At the time I thought he was the leader of the mods. To an extent I wasn't wrong I guess but I knew him the most from when I was a Helper. I saw how passionate he was about adult swim and the community that built itself around it. He was always thinking of ways to make the Boards better and entertaining, especially when they started to decline in traffic. He told me of his new site before the Boards went down. He wanted a place where he could be more free and carry on his passion. After they went down they became a gathering place for the remnants of the old Boards. I think he wanted this place to be great and to continue on with us being an online family of sorts. I hope we do continue on and always remember his care for us, the Boards, adult swim and his love for long winded explanations. It was nice knowing you and a pleasure to have talked to you. Goodbye my friend.
  19. DBZ4ever


    Kind of in the same boat, nothing is 100 percent confirmed that I have seen. Looks legit but time will tell.
  20. DBZ4ever


    Just saw this, looks true. I cant be certain of course but sucks so much if he is gone.
  21. Really enjoyed that. We've been hearing since forever how powerful dragons make her when grown. How 3 of them conquered the entire continent and the power of the Valyrian empire before that. We have seen some of the dragon's power before but this was a good showing of why they are to be feared and what she could do if she wanted. She rained fire from above and destroyed the army. Very entertaining.
  22. DBZ4ever


    I saw that. meo[/member]
  23. Good to see you regardless.
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