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Everything posted by moose

  1. Exactly. On that thread. But I don't want to see it n episode discussion threads where it's not being asked for. At least to the level that Mochi always does it. Joking around here and there is fine. But that's ALL Mochi posts and in vulgar fashion. Is it too much to ask to NOT know whether or not he;s cumming? Is it really?
  2. See this is the logic I hate. Because I hate the fact that Mochi constantly posts vulgarities with every post, I somehow hate gay people. That's such a broken ass assumption to go with, I don't even know where to start.
  3. Im just saying, you don't see any of us straight men orgasming at every female we see on this thread. Why must you be so exaggerated?
  4. Gon and Killua are just freinds. That's what makes their friendship genuine. No romance.
  5. The start of the Yorknew City arc! Oh, yeah baby, let's do this!
  6. It is Laura Bailey. She was only replaced for Super, not Kai Buu.
  7. He wanted to stay dead because all the enemies at that point came to Earth in search of him. Of course that didn't work because Buu, but that was his logic. And, at that point, I can see why he would have thought that. Raditz, the Androids and Freeza all came to Earth in search of him.
  8. I think the explanation was that there was no need for him togo SS anymore, because his complete power was brought to the surface after Old Kai did his ritual, hence Ultimate/Mystic Gohan. But... what Mochi said isn't true because he goes Super Saiyan during the Freeza Returns arc so... I think Toriyama just forgets things, really. Lmao.
  9. Pretty sure he killed them since he was frustrated for not beating Netero and that was also the episode where you learn he's an assassin.
  10. I dunno man, HxH must be doing something right, since you keep watching it. You've said before that you don't watch One Piece or Naruto, so if HxH was really that uninteresting or worse than those two, then I dunno why you wouldn't have dropped it by now and ignore it like the others.
  11. Oh I thought u meant now. The FT anime didn't exist back then. It came out in 2010 and wasn't dubbed until 2011 I believe.
  12. Because it's mediocre. I doubt there's any strong feelings involved. But when you have the other long running shonens on the block who all do the same thing but better, there's no reason to even notice FT. And that's pretty much it, to them it's below their notice. It doesn't bring anything to the table. Although I personally wouldn't mind it replacing Naruto, I'd rather another show altogether.
  13. We have One Piece. No reason to get One Piece-lite (Fairy Tail)
  14. Hmm. I have a feeling that's just her as a regular Super Saiyan and that the Broly like transformation is some kind of special power-up. I don't think they'd change the design seeing how it's still in the opening.
  15. It was controversial. Obviously not in a world crises sort of way, but among the anime fandom, it was about as controversial as you can get. Everyone disliked 4Kids, but when the 4Kids OP dub came out, everyone out right hated them. Of course now it's calmed down since 4Kids no longer exists and FUNi has had the lisence for a while now, but back during the dark days of 2005/2006, everyone wanted 4Kids' blood. Also, believe it or not, but most of 4kids' dubs have had at least some type of nostalgia fanbase. 4Piece is the only one where most people agree it was just too awful. So much so that even 4Kids themselves addmitted that they bit off too much. Leading to FUNi licencing the series right after 4kids' contract ended, knowing that they could capalize with a better dub right away. So yeah. I'd say it was controversial. Especially since it's poison still effects OP today, which is really the part I have beef with. Even among OP fans, they won't give the very good FUNi dub a chance solely because bad memories of 4Kids... which doesn't even make sence but that's the people we're dealing with and why I wouldn't want the 4Kids dub to come back even as a joke.
  16. Most likely a contract. Like maybe it needed to air on tv first.
  17. They're probably running through Buu Kai quickly so that they can release Super soon. They probably don't want to oversaturate the market with Dragonball content all at once.
  18. You're mad if you think I'm the only problem. I only complain when OP is receiving slander. That's only the tip of the iceberg of the negativity that happens here day in and day out. You know the problem ? Everyone thinking their opinions are law, here. Like since they consider a show bad, that it's somehow factually bad. That ratings and popularity somehow equate to a shows true quality. Delusions like that. That is the problem.
  19. Eh. One Piece airs on Toonami, so close enough. ^__^ ;
  20. You can pretty much see that the place (ASMB) was not the problem... It's the fucking clientele.
  21. 4Piece continues to be that controversial.
  22. Not to mention One Piece Film Gold and the tv-special linked to it One Piece - Heart of Gold come out May 2nd! https://www.funimation.com/shop/home-video/bld-00432/ https://www.funimation.com/shop/home-video/bld-00433/
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