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Everything posted by moose

  1. OP has 3 episodes of filler and then we're back at canon for awhile.
  2. Here we go. The long awaited end to Thriller Bark.
  3. I honestly wish Toei would just animate some of the cover stories that take place in the manga that feature other OP characters and what they're currently doing. they did it with Buggy and Coby early on, but animated no more after that. Meaning that sometimes a chracter just comes back randomlly in the anime, when in the manga, you know how they got where they are currently. Oda basically gives them filler/canon material, but Toei doesn't take advantage of 'em. Meh.
  4. Well, whatever. This thread was supposed to be a humorous jab at Luffy being a pimp and having many princesses at his beck and call, but of course this forum has to over-criticize and analyze something, thus ruining the fun. Smh.
  5. Well, I don't mean the exact same gripe, but I expect you to inspect all the other shonen with a magnifying glass like you currently doing with One Piece. Because if you're this critical because of this.... THIS.... then the far greater problems rampant in other shonens like FT and DB muct eat way at your skin... if you were fair.
  6. It's fine, Ben. Think what you want. You're free to. I don't agree with your gripe, but I'll leave it at that. Just remember that I'll remember you being hyper-critical with OP, when you're watching other series with a plethora of problems like Dragonball and Fairy Tail. So when I see you be more forgiving with their faults.... be prepared to be labeled bias as fuh.
  7. Smh, this is a waste of time. I can't take this gripe seriously. Think what you want. I'm done arguing over this petty matter. I hope you show this level of nitpickyness to other shows. because if this is who you are, then Dragonball as a whole must be damn-well unwatchable.
  8. How is that bad? Many women don't want to be tied down in order for them to travel the world. What is your beef with people not wanting to be in a relationship? Especially in this case ehere the guy was a FUCKING MAN WITH A LION MOUTH SOWED ONTO HIS FACE. This complaint makes no sense to me and it reeks of you randomly throwing shit and hoping it hits. But... keep nitpicking guys. I'll be in the corner where we don't take such things so seriously from a wacky shounen series.
  9. Annoying is a negative reaction, which means you're calling this nonsensical gripe a bad thing. By the way, that line was semi-altered by FUNi. In the Japanese version she simply says she want to travel the world, not end up in love.
  10. And of course this forum takes a humorous little thing and completely sours the thread. This forum, mannnnn.
  11. I'm around quite a number of fans and non-fans. Usually people praise OP's lack of romance. But whatever...
  12. I would hate if it ends like that. I don't want it to end like Naruto and Bleach and have a bunch of knock-off kids. Bleh.
  13. You and Jman (who hates on OP any chance he can) are seriously the only people I've met IRL or on the internet complaining about... this. So I'm sure he's doing fine. You're just being very nitpicky)
  14. Yes, with the way the crew has been represented, it would be jarring. You gotta stop inserting real world logic with OP. Especially with OP. Like I said, there's no need to follow every part of the human mind accurately. And jokes are just jokes. You're seriously thinking and nitpicking too much with this.
  15. Just giving an example with a show you like. And again, it's nowhere near FT levels. OP may include scantly clad females, but that's where the sexualizing ends. FT takes it a step further and with much more frequency. Especially later on. I believe I've showed you pictures before of said moments. So if you're ok with that... Sanji does, Brook does, Usopp did when he saw Nami naked in Thriller Bark, Aokiji commented on Nami's body, nameless characters, etc etc. There are many characters that reacted to them. But no, you want the entirety of the StrawHats to react and act on it seriously. That isn't gonna happen, nor should it.
  16. Oda is known to give trolling joke answers in those fan question things, though. So many of the stuff he says I wouldn't take seriously.
  17. The girls are indeed super sexualized now (though still nowhere near Fairy Tail levels) That much is true, but that still doesn't mean legit romance subplots should be included.
  18. I liked that the anime gave her a tan, but she was always white in the manga so after the time skip, they reverted her skin to white to be closer to the manga (but they still left her eyes blue, even though they're brown in the manga, so yeah a half-assed attempt)
  19. And also Toei greatly exaggerates the fan service.
  20. Just as an option, if the anime ever gets too slow but you still like the series, you can always just jump to the manga. That's what most people who have a problem with the anime's pacing do, anyway.
  21. Nice bait. You're still a negative nancy.
  22. Just because it's really similar to OP doesn't mean it executes those same similarities competently, which is the problem. Not to mention it's still just badly written. You won't care because you pick and choose your shows when you wanaa talk about badly written (like you do with HxH and OP when you wanna get under my skin) but ignore the plethora of problems series like Bleach and FT have, simply because you like them a lot. I suppose you'll tell me how I'm wrong and list some problems now, but my point is that you're not as adament with listing said problems unless it's a show you don't like or are only mildly invested in.
  23. You act as if I'm the only one who says this stuff. There's a big vocal community complaining about how Mashima handles FT and how he squandard it's potential. Feel free to disagree if you want, but this isn't just my word or even a couple people's words. It's a big glaring problem most people see FT has and they either just accept it or use it as an example for why it's a badly written shonen. I never said any of that of it's story-line either, don't put words in my mouth.
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