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Everything posted by moose

  1. I mean, if you don't care then don't reply. That was for anyone who wanted to answer the question. If no one wanted to, then so be it - but I'd rather have that than a snarky remark stating how no one here cares.
  2. Why is it that DBZ is the only anime in America that has hit that mainstream status (well, besides Pokemon, but that wasn't only the anime thanks to the video game/card game) while in Japan a good deal of series have either met it, gotten close or even surpassed it. Is America really that full of dude-bros who are so caught up with self image, they won't dare to give anime a chance or something? The whole thing screams shallowness, but hey, enlighten me, what else could it possibly be? Actually, this even extends to action cartoons, because in America.... if it isn't live-action, it won't be taken seriously.... >_> And I mean a real thought-out answer... not a "Cause they just don't" reply or something similar.
  3. Well, obviously. Lmao. This was redundant, Jman.
  4. Why are you the only person in this forum who makes an episode discussion thread without a proper heading?
  5. This is an awesome character defining episode for Zoro, so be sure to tune in.
  6. It's just kinda sad that Toonami can't earn it's own big viewership.... it always has to depend on whatever is before it. Seems kinda half-earned, if you ask me. But whatever.
  7. Its Jman. You should expect it.
  8. And that fact is what makes this oh so tragic. Eh.
  9. Not much you can do when the whole block preformed like shit. Toonami is too reliant on the show before it to succeed. It needs a show like The Walking Dead or Big Bang Theory. Something that could score them big ratings even during down weeks.
  10. I ain't being pessimistic. I'm laughing my ass off. Japan this ain't. Just give the masses their reality tv shows and sports.
  11. Proof that Tooonami viewership is completely situational and only hits big when the mainstream shows in front of it hit big, suggesting that no.... there isn't really a substantial audience for Toonami and it just gets lucky due to Family Guy and nothing else being on at the time. And even then that doesn't always work. I guess the ultimate test would be to let Toonami carry itself instead of piggy-backing from the ratings FG gives it, but we all know it'd fail.
  12. I never randomly trash talk a show like so many people here do. If I hear someone acting all high and mighty about show quality, and I know they like something like, yes, Fairy Tail. Then I will point out the fallacy of their logic and claims. But other than that, I don't outright bash anything. Not anymore, at least. Meanwhile, a good handful of people here are brimming with hate. All they ever do is talk smack about shows they don't like. Rarely do they ever talk about anything else. What kind of life is that?
  13. Ima laugh if FG didn't shit the bed, and it was instead DBS. Lol
  14. Well either way, I meant they didn't think Dragonball was "gay" for homosexual reasons. They think it is "gay" because it isn't as hardcore as DBZ and it's more silly. The same outlook that dudebros put on OP, actually. As for them being homophobic. Probably. But my point was how lame and shallow Broly fanboys typically are when it relates to Dragonball.
  15. Well, the ignorant dude-bro definition of "gay", which largely means lame. But yeah, those guys suck. And Broly is a terrible character with a good design. Thats it.
  16. His popularity is completely superficial and represents the worst of the DBZ fandom. The ones that hate Dragonball because it's "gay", think the old dub is better than the Kai dub, and overall think DBZ is WWE. Broly appeals to them because he's "unlimited power" and that's it.
  17. I don't deny his health is bad. He is a manga artist, after all. But Bleach got cancelled by SJ. It wasn't stopped because Kubo was sick. That's just some sad coping mechanism you fanboys made up in your head in order to not feel so bad about the series lackluster ending. And also an attempt to stop people from teasing Bleach's failure, but LMAO, that ain't happening buddy. It was always at the bottom of the rankings. Kubo had a strained relationship with Shueisha. Jump was outright ignoring Bleach in promotional stunts. It was cancelled. Twice (dont forget the anime before it lol). Now go be TRIGGERED because of that. *sets recording*
  18. It's alright. I've already let the mods know. He's done for. But I bet he's gonna act all 'gangsta' after reading this post, showing me how he won't be "effected" by this and other nonsensical garbage. Watch. WATCH.
  19. T R I G G E R E D Won't change the fact that Bleach got canceled. No amount of fanboy-ism will change that fact. No amount of insulting me and YELLING at me will change that fact. So time to accept it. And time to take your medicine. You clearly need it, you loon.
  20. That's just your lack of medication talking. It's alright. You'll take some, soon. Hopefully, because you're annoying without it. >_>
  21. Looks like Ben is off his medication again.
  22. Well I know the dude-bros of America can't wait for more Broly.
  23. Provide some proof for your claim about Oda approving the 4Kids actors. Go on. You seemed so sure about it. Oh, wait. You can't. Because it was bullshit. I love catching people when they lie and can't back it up.
  24. FUNi announced that Oda approved THEIR cast, not 4Kids. Toei told them that they had to keep a few 4Kids terms for their edited tv airing due to continuing off of the 4Kids dub airing. But nothing was said about Oda approving the 4Kids voices, nor was anything said about the FUNi actors having to mimic the 4Kids ones. It's a blantant bullshit lie and I hate liars. Your sexuality, as usual, has nothing to do with it. Are you a convulsive bullshitter? Can you not STOP spreading false information? Does it HURT you to NOT lie? Because that's what it seems like. But you wanna prove me wrong and actually prove your nonsensical claims have some merit? Provide some goddamn proof.
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