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Everything posted by moose

  1. Because she's a fun character. Also one of the few females in One Piece who doesn't have same-face syndrome.
  2. She's a fan-favorite.
  3. Oh, we're doing Perona fanservice? :-)
  4. Yep. Kuma's arrival is usually agreed upon as one of the best parts of this arc.
  5. Oh please. They all look basically the same except for Franky.
  6. That whole "Pirate Docking 3" bit was filler, by the way. In the manga, they only transform once (and fail lol). The chemistry between the characters continues to be one of OP's greatest strengths. I honestly can watch a slice-of-life series staring them and not be bored.
  7. His transformed form through Time-Skip Luffy is actually more OP because he has super-armor and can't flinch (At least solo-character Gear 4th Luffy can flinch). Anyway, my team is mostly Sabo, Smoker and Koala (she's beast).
  8. I have it. I think it's solid for an anime game. Although Luffy when transformed to Gear 4th is super OP and needs a nerf bad.
  9. Karin is so insufferable. Such a god-awful character.
  10. OP's opening gets shortened like the rest. It's just a longer opening so even in shortened form it's long.
  11. Yeah. I like Thriller Bark too. Eneis Lobby seems to be the most popular OP arc (well that and the Marineford arc) but it felt too straight-bone shonen to me and lacked some of the One Piece charm Thriller Bark has (although it still had some cool moments IMO, although I know you felt it was over-hyped).
  12. Um. I don't really want to spoil it for you. I won't say if he does or doesn't. Just saying they start focusing on what he is starting now.
  13. Huh? You watched it already?
  14. Hunter X Hunter Episode 27 "Arrival × At × The Arena" This is the start of the "Heavens Arena" arc, by the way.
  15. KUMA! 'Bout time we focus on him. Can't wait.
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