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Everything posted by moose

  1. Well unfortunately this is the nature of shonen manga/anime. Let's just be glad it's not as bad as FT with it.
  2. Is it really that confusing, Jman? Is it really? Sexual humor doesn't mean romance needs to be shown. Because that's all OP has - sexual humor. It doesn't play it straight. It's not meant to be taken seriously. So knowing that, why is the actual absence of romance so puzzling? I mean, even back in the day, you commended OP for not including romance half-assed like Naruto and Bleach did. If all of a sudden, they start treating Hancock's Luffy fantasies seriously, you'd have a point - but until then there's absolutely no reason to have romance in OP, sexual humor or not. It's done fine without it, and I don't want useless parings and useless babies at the end of the series like Naruto and Bleach generically did.
  3. Again, besides Luffy, we don't really know if the other crew members are asexual. Actually most of them have has a moment or two where they react to something. Only Zoro, Nami and Robin haven't, but they haven't really been put in situations where they would either. Just because they don't show interest in romance, doesn't mean they're asexual. They clearly have priorities. OP character designs for females is overly sexulized nowadays. I can admit that. But just because that is true, doesn't mean the omission of serious romance is somehow confusing. The two don't just lead to each other. Because it's really just the designs. Sexual acts in OP are pretty rare besides Brook and Sanji.
  4. I don't see how Oda keeps calling it out. He literally doesn't include any type of serious romance. Nor does he even really mention it save Sanji jokes. Like literally, besides that Nami moment what other time did he throw "Their in love with adventure, not romance!" at you? He barely even addressed it. It's not like in Naruto or Bleach where they slightly dabble in it but ultimately it results in nothing, OP literally does not contain it nor does it even really mention it. Also, most of the characters are not put in situations where their preference would really be all that important to know. Luffy is asexual. Zoro doesn't seem to care for romance, but he did seem to blush that one time with Kuina. Nami, besides the Absolom scene, hasn't really been in a situation where you would know. Same for Robin. Usopp MIGHT like Kaya, but there isn't really any proof other wise and it could just be a normal friendship. Chopper has been recently depicted to liking a female Mink (in Sanji fashion, heart eyes etc etc), Franky has one scene in a future arc where he kisses a female villain to simply 'shut them up'. So that leaves us with the only two that's show sexual desires on the crew, SanjI and Brook - and they're gags. Also, with the many complaints OP gets, its lack of romance isn't one of them. That's actually usually listed as one of its strengths, since so many shonen series who try to add romance come out lame. Also, while it's cool not to has a asexual main, Meliodis just fits another anime trope, the pervy character. So he's not really THAT original.
  5. ... when they do not and only have the 4-episode tv-special/mini series "Signs of Holy War"? I mean... that's false advertising, isn't it? It's clearly not season 2, it's only 4 episodes! Geez, now more simpletons are going to be more confused. Maybe they didn't catch on to it or something...
  6. The art can get a little jumbled, and there's a little more text than usual, but I don't think it ever gets intrusive. I think it has a healthy blend of art and text. As for Bleach.. eh, I dunno. Kubo draws character designs with more realistic detail (because typically OP characters are simpler and more cartoony in design) but more often than the not the overall presentation was just too big and empty for me. Particularly in the fights. It just lacked energy, for lack of a better term. The beginning of the manga looked overall better to me. Naruto would indeed be in the middle of them, but the art was often really sketchy. Now HxH's manga... now that contains literal wall of texts. Lol
  7. Well, she isn't interested in love. I don't think Nami is asexual because she's never really been in a situation where you can tell she's flat-out asexual (like Luffy has) but she, along with the other Straw-Hats, are more focused on their end goals and 'romance' in the 'love,romantic' way isn't in their plans. She certainly knows about sexual arousement, seeing how she uses her feminine wiles to seduce characters often enough. Something Luffy doesn't even pick up on. But yeah... I guess you can say not ALL pirates share that sentiment, so Nami's statement is wrong... but I'm sure it just meant she's not interested in romance, at this time anyway. And honestly, romance in shonen series often turn out almost non-existent or just plain bad, and OP isn't a 'realistic series of the human mind' type-show anyway, so...
  8. Dende is small again because Toriyama forgot his size. Nothing more, nothing less.
  9. I'm kinda half joking here, but seriously. This is more apparent in the recent episodes/chapters... but how many princesses and empresses has Luffy befriended by now.
  10. I personally don't think OP ever gets that bad because the typical OP chapter has more content and dialog than a lot of other shonen manga, so the 1 chapter-1 episode pacing isn't as bad here as it would be in other series. But it still isn't ideal. But alas, this is how it is.
  11. Well, like i said, it's a long final stretch. Lmao. The first episode of the time-skip is 517.
  12. Well, I mean, the arcs coming next all kinda roll into each other stroy-wise and the overall world building aspects concerning other characters gets amped up. Everything starts converging starting at this point to form the climax of the first half of OP. I'll just leave it at that.
  13. And afterwards.... the final stretch of the first half of One Piece. (granted, its still OP though, so that final stretch will be very long lol) But yeah... after Thriller Bark, things get rolling.
  14. It's not like these pirates we dipicted as super powerful anyway, and it doesn;t really matter if you are too... its a sickness. Like cancer. You can be the strongest there is and that will still take you down. Whats the prob?
  15. I love how Toei made this episode, switching between Skeleton Brook on the ghost ship and his past with his crew. Makes it so tragic.
  16. Alright, tonight we get the full English dub of Bink's Sake (Binks Brew in the dub). Can't wait!
  17. If you were a girl, I would think you'd be worse. I hate women sounding crass. I'll say it again - I don't like to hear deep sexual desires from other people unless we're talking about a certain topic or I'm talking to my girlfriend. What part of that is hard to understand? Call me a prude if you want, maybe I am. But this is not a sexual preference thing. This is a "I dont want to see you on the verge of being turned on" thing.
  18. Eh, 4Kids deleted about 39 episodes, some being canon content. You're gonna be lost later on if you do this because the author of OP constantly calls back to older arcs... some arcs that 4Kids skipped.
  19. I'm being told to grow up from the guy who just creamed his pants off a cartoon. >
  20. I hate ignoring people. Sometimes (very rarely) Mochi does talk about something interesting so I try my best not to hit that ignore button. But I guess if the vulgar side of him doesn't stop, I'll have no choice. *shrugs*
  21. See, I don't mind this because it isn't vulgar. Although it's pointless since there's no romance in the series .
  22. I'll calm down once he calms down with the smutty posts.
  23. But I'm not homophobic. I just don't like to hear people and their sexual desires. Straight, gay, it doesn't matter - keep that stuff to yourself.
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