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Everything posted by moose

  1. Make fun of it, I don't care about that. But bringing it back is a bad idea that i don't want. And making light of it coming back and the negative things it would cause is what bothers me. So does making light of what it really did to One Piece. But making fun of the actual terrible dub, I don't mind that. Just keep it out the airwaves so ignorant people won't ignorantly judge the series as a whole.
  2. It's bothers me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I hated those times that 4Kids dub was alive. It made a mockery of one of my favorite shows ever. That's all you need to know. You may not agree, you may think it's silly. But I think it's serious and it offends and bothers me when people make light of it. So I'm just asking you, this time politely, to stop.
  3. Like I said, you may not understand why someone is offended, but generally, you respect the fact that they are and cease from offending them again. Because that would be a nice thing to do. And don't try to sweep it under the rug like it was nothing - you know how terrible the 4Kids dub ripped up the series. It made it way more childish among other things, not just that.
  4. I just really hate the 4Kids dub with ever fiber of my being. Everything about it repulses me. I don't think it's a topic to make light of. If you don't understand that, then fine - but please respect my feelings of this topic and let it go. It's offensive to me. Just drop it.
  5. Not to mention the designs are pretty different... Gon and Killua Hisoka Leorio
  6. Eh, I dunno. I feel like the differences in the adaptions would be jarring to just jump one to the other.
  7. Apparently, these people continue to confuse their own opinions as facts.
  8. I've learned that the concept of death and all it's ideals is something shonen series often struggle with. HxH is too nonchalant about death. One Piece and Fairy Tail hardly contain deaths, and many fake outs, lessening tension. (Although OP does contain one of the most surprising deaths in shonen anime that impacted many things) AoT has deaths, but mostly for shock value and usually uses characters you don't give a shit about. Death literally doesn't matter in Dragonball. Etc etc. Ironically, one of the only things I can give Naruto credit for is it isn't shy about killing beloved characters. One thing it did right, at least.
  9. Which makes you unqualified to talk about such things. Perhaps I'm unqualified too. So let's both shut the fuck about things we have no clue about, and trust the professionals. But you can't do that, because you're an insufferable twit who thinks his view is worth a damn.
  10. Just because people dislike OP, doesn't make them haters, true. But you are a hater. Because you go on and on about it. And that - is a hater.
  11. You have no idea what you're taking about anyway. So the ratings can stay, but you can kindly stop being annoying. But who am I kidding, that's impossible for a hater like you.
  12. Also last I checked it's your precious JoJo that is bringing the whole night down. Focus on that if you wanna point fingers.
  13. Quite simply, the ones educated with ratings are content with their performance, and the one not educated with ratings (you) are not. I think we'll all know who is more credible here. And it's not you.
  14. I do wish they get rid of Naruto though. I wouldn't even mind Fairy Tail replacing it at this point. Naruto is so bad.
  15. Probably the cost. Creating new seasons of a show is expensive. Airing HxH and OP late at night probably isn't and they preform well enough for their time slot.
  16. Jman, no, shut the fuck up about it already. People didn't watch BECAUSE of the 4Kids dub. The series itself now has a sizable audience thanks to FUNimation and ruining all that by airing the 4Kids dub is dumb. The 4Kids dub was a bad thing. It was seriously a bad thing. How can you not grasp the seriousness of how bad it was. You just wanna be a fucking troll. Fuck off already. Of course OP fans don't have good feelings for the 4Kids dub. No show that has a bad dub should have it come back when there's a better dub out there. Especially one as bad as the 4Kids dub. So, no, it isn't funny and you're a terrible person for wanting it back for the reasons you have.
  17. Lmao HxH gets darker than any of the shonen currently on the block. Saturday mornings would not work.
  18. Actually Stardust would last almost a full year. But yeah, fair point.
  19. They might want to try another show in that slot if they do go ahead and license Stardust Crusaders right after these current episodes.
  20. It's ironic that HxHs anime is preferred, because manga wise, HxH is terrible. Lmao. The art is often mediocre, and thats even if its being released. And, in all honestly, it will never finish, which is a big blow against it. For as much fun as we poke fun at OP never finishing.... giving current story developments with the manga, the ending might actually be nearer than we thought.
  21. If we're talking about manga, then yeah, One Piece no question. But anime wise, at this point, Id pick HxH, even though I still do have a soft spot for the OP anime, flaws and all. And Naruto.... Naruto just sucks. >_>
  22. Anything gets made fun of regardless. But the point is that the 4Kids dub is poisonous and should not be brought back again. It's not funny. None of it is funny. It was a bad thing. No show deserved what 4Kids did to OP. No show. Bad dubs are a thing of the past now. Leave it in the past.
  23. The 4Kids dub is a world atrocity. OP is doing well for itself now. We don't need to backtrack on all that by bringing back that awful dub. Do something else that doesn't involve shitting on a show.
  24. And that's where you're wrong and this is where the conversation ends.
  25. Not when it harms the actual franchise. Even among other bad dubs, 4Kids Piece was in a class of it's own. It's that bad.
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