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Everything posted by moose

  1. Why though? Even if you disagree with him, the guy is really respectful and educated. Why reply with snark knowing that?
  2. Yeah, see, but anyone can say that. These videos go into depth as to why you should actually see it. The guy is highly educated and knows what he's talking about and it's a good listen. Not that you're wrong, though... because you are absolutely right. Lol
  3. THESE VIDEOS CONTAIN FUTURE SPOILERS FOR THE SHOWS IT TALKS ABOUT SO PROCEED WITH WARNING So remember that video talking about the Fall of Bleach? That one. Super Eyepatch Wolf. A Youtuber who makes awesome and very detailed analytical videos describing and suggesting various anime he watches. Well, he has more videos and they're all as awesome and educational as the Bleach one. Which was an awesome video if you're not caught up in your fanboy feelings. But yeah, here are the several videos. Keep in mind they're all pretty long so if you don't want to bother watching them, then just don't bother posting. I wanna hear the thoughts of those who at least watch one or several. And again, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS.
  4. Well, I won't argue that. While I don't believe Z to be all that much better than Super.... it did end so there really was no need for Super to be made... especially when it takes place during a period that was supposed to be 'peaceful'... so now the canon ending to Z might be thrown out the window which is kinda lame but at the same time the ending was pretty lackluster so... eh.
  5. Well, usually it's Jojo that shits the bed, so this is a different change of pace.
  6. This is strictly the animes, not the manga. Naruto is basically continuing into Boruto so it's still ongoing. It's like separating OG Naruto from Shippuden, which is stupid, because even though the official episode count resets, it's still the same show.
  7. I honestly think DBZ is viewed so favorably solely because of nostalgia and respect that it was among the first of its kind. Which is fine, give credit where credit is due... but if we're comparing it to more modern shonen, it really isn't all that great. And neither is Super. Neither Z or Super are anything to write home about. That doesn't just apply to Super. OG Dragonball is where it was at.
  8. Well there is the argument that Naruto handles itself better because you can skip the filler arcs, whereas in One Piece you can't really skip the padded canon. The thing is Naruto is so chock full of filler, that if you combine OG Naruto with Shippuden (as you should, they're the same overall series) it may actually contain more filler than canon. That's just crap.
  9. The thing with Naruto is... let's say I want to own the series. The way the filler is distributed, dvd boxsets will almost always contain some filler that I don't want, making the canon episodes the set does have minuscule at best. At least with OP most of its episodes are canon and the pacing can be somewhat remedied by marathoning. I just honestly can't stand filler interrupting canon. Bleach freak'n did this too and it was annoying.
  10. Well I will say this... One Piece does not have a single episode that matches the animation of the final Naruto vs Sasuke fight (or a handful of other episodes) and that makes me a sad moose.
  11. We all know that these two are among the last of the standing 'long-runners' still premiering new episodes. And we all know their adaptations leave a little to be desired and cause mostly fatigue at this point, which is a shame in One Piece's case since the source material is so good (Naruto I feel jumped the shark ages ago). That being said... which series do you think has the shittier adaptation? Naruto's endless amount of filler that often interrupts the canon arcs midway thru.... or One Piece's veryyyyyy slow pacing. And also you have to answer conserning these two. No mentioning of the newer seasonal method or other newer series that go by that method. We all know that is how we would prefer it, but that's not on the cards with these two.
  12. I don't blame him for not knowing though, since Toei stupidly added that important canon plot-point into the tail end of a filler episode (a terrible one at that).
  13. FT basically takes many of those same tropes and expands on them greatly. For example, the firendship powerup is common in shonen but none do it as ass-pullingly and as frequent as Fairy Tail. And if the fanservice levels are bothering you in One Piece, then no way will you survive FT's level.
  14. Why would Toei care about what voice actors voice who in the English dub? Thats odd.
  15. Pan was also annoying as shit.
  16. Well Toriyama confirmed he was never supposed to be this noble superhero character anyway. That was more a persona the old FUNi dub painted him as.
  17. I know you didnt direct this comments towards me, but I still want to answer this -- I think GT was placed in a better time frame than Super... afterall, Super takes place after the Buu arc, but before the end of Z... which kinda makes things confusing... so the end of Z is not part of Super, even though it takes place after Super? Does the End of Z even apply anymore or was it retconned? It kinda makes things muddy, whereas GT did not. But.... Super is way more entertaining than GT, because GT was boring drivel. So yeah.
  18. We're 8 episodes into the FUNimation dub, and 80 episodes into the Japanese airings so to those who follow either versions - how is it stacking up to you? And is it legit better or worse than DB and DBZ so far? I know it's hard, but try not to let nostalgia cloud your judgement. Super may have many things wrong with it, but it's not like DBZ was this quality series either.
  19. So you really consider OP the worst of all the popular shonen ? That is bizzare. How can you see charm in Bleach, charm in Naruto, but not charm in One Piece. What the fuck is that shit, really? Funny seeing how OP was your favorite one once upon a time. Makes it hard to understand how you got into it In the first place. Fair enough though. Just stop championing your opinion as if its fact and stop hijacking threads dedicated to fans.
  20. I didn't say that now. It doesn't excuse your actions anyway
  21. But see, again, this is just you and Ben. And really just you because Ben does like OP. So what you're saying doesn't make sense. OP has ton of charm. One of its biggest strengths.
  22. If you honestly believe Naruto, Bleach and FT are better written than OP, then already you lose all credibility. Not everyone, just you and Ben. Both proven to be hypocrites. Like I said, anywhere else, OP is usually considered the better written of the bunch. Are you seriously standing here saying that OP is the worst of the worst? That's bullshit.
  23. Just a reaction for you constantly being a overwhelming jerk. You always initiate it, not me. Ruining threads just because you hate One Piece is a lowlife thing to do.
  24. Sorry, Jman just sets me off. He really needs to be dealt with.
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