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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I have to eat breakfast, or I'll have no energy for most of the day.
  2. At bootcamp that I washed out of, there was this bastard quack who kept telling me that the reason for my horrible stomach pain was dehydration or depression. He kept harping on the latter because I felt stressed out due to being in so much agony that it was hard for me to eat. He and other idiot doctors are part of why I separated so I could get real care.
  3. I've never heard of it before. I googled it because the instructions on how to use it were more detailed than your usual joke video.
  4. Holy crap, that's a real product.
  5. I wanted some lighthearted half hour comedies to ease my mind with, so I've been watching Sirens and Chewing Gum on Netflix. Both are hilarious by the way.
  6. *Is currently eating a big mac and fry* Stop messing with my brain, Lupin!
  7. I attempt it, but then I start thinking, 'I could be eating cookies. Yes, I'll bake cookies!'.
  8. By the way, Lupin, I'm making a dig at you based on the fun bathroom time you've brought upon yourself, not finger wagging. I don't really care what you eat.
  9. The first couple is from Sekaiichi Hatsukoi.
  10. A Pyrrhic victory isn't something to brag about.
  11. That's what suspiciously sweaty people say in zombie movies.
  12. Yes because of my anemia. When I see it happen to other people, it's usually because they're getting sick. *Points can of Lysol in your direction*
  13. I've always wondered how well I'd do at it. I have random old hobbies like contact juggling, tarot card reading, and can sing really well when I actually practice.
  14. I can only eat ten because McNuggets have this weird effect on my stomach that makes me have the sudden urge to upchuck. Their big macs and fries don't do shit to me though.
  15. You called this a 'very irritating issue', and it's a problem you're having with multiple roommates. I could have stated it in a better way, but it does sound like there are communication issues or you're not setting clear boundaries. Even if they're helping you cook, they should still respect the money and effort spent on gathering ingredients by trying to follow your directions.
  16. This is more lack of a backbone than being female. Ain't nobody putting their mitts on my primerib if I can afford to cook it, and I get super bitchy at people if they disturb me while I'm cooking. I even go out of my way to announce when I'm cooking so whoever wants to snack on something can do it before I start.
  17. DragonSinger


    Because like with any hobby in existence, there are people who range from meh about it to diehard crazy. Add in thousands/millions of fans and the odds of attracting crazy assholes goes up. This is not a hard concept to understand or anything new, so I don't know why you're being this stubbornly ignorant about it.
  18. I remember how mad I was when I first learned about dumbasses being afraid of or harming black cats. It just hadn't occured to me when I was younger that people were that stupid.
  19. Writing and editing.
  20. DragonSinger


    Any entertainment job that nets you thousands or millions of fans carries the risk of stalkers.
  21. DragonSinger


    I'm sorry that this happened to your friend.
  22. I'm glad you got some real friends at the end of this and totally support a skateboard to the face as a solution for handling that douchebag.
  23. I was put in AP English in high school. Unfortunately, my ADD kicked in hard during that time, and I couldn't force myself to read meh books for assignments.
  24. Not really.
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