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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Well, that one's done! What's up next? On to Demon Slayer's double header for now!!
  2. Are you sure? I thought David Productions had some say too! Hard pressed to believe that's the case for a show going back to '19.
  3. So this is the first time we thought Emma was doomed?
  4. So this explains everything! ...sort of?
  5. People say this guy is an animated Jason Demarco, but I have my doubts. For one thing, I don't think Jason Demarco drinks this much!
  6. I don't care what the naysayers say, this show is AWESOME!
  7. "No-Neck," LMAO! And of COURSE King Kai knows! And EVERYONE can hear him, how conveeeeeenient!
  8. To be fair, I doubt Krillin could have killed his ass with a sword anyway!! Promise made, promise kept? NAAAAAH, not exactly. After all, to repay you for your mercy, he pretty much marries your childhood best friend and has a son that ends up upstaging you, Goku! 🤣🤣🤣
  9. No rating this week for shitpuddn, crybabies! You'll just have to wait until next week!
  10. 6th Hokage... ...that's Kakashi, right? Yep. And that's a pretty brilliant plan!
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