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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. If only Naruto had gotten this treatment, he might not feel like such a weird awkward loser!
  2. Well, that's potentially unfortunate! Kudos to this show for considering unintended consequences!
  3. Eat THIS! 🤘 I will be SHOCKED if Toonami doesn't get these, but with all the trouble they seem to be having with MHA Season 7, maybe I shouldn't be?
  4. I guess I'll just leave this here, because I can't think of where it belongs better... Demon Slayer may be unreliable, but at least we can probably count on this! Summer 2025 and spring 2026 will likely be hot ones! 🔥🤘
  5. The main story and the light novels have both concluded! Now all that's left is the classical conclusion to a Shakespearian comedy: a wedding! But this being Shippuden and there being 7 episodes left, did you really think everything would go smoothly? The party begins at 1:30 AM tonight--only TOONAMI!!
  6. Dude, if you're gonna go, go all out, Paul & Art style!!
  7. It's not him. It's Jason Cardenas. "CAR-DE-NAS!" 🤣 Also sounds nothing like him!! 😂🤣😂
  8. Hopefully I can stay up for this tonight and don't get lulled into an early slumber by DBZ Kai... Tonight is Episode 6, the one that changes everything!
  9. Last week's episode was such a great one with tons of action and the start of Nezuko's transformation, plus an intriguing twist that SURELY won't matter much beyond this arc: the concept of Muzan's "Layered Memories" over his demonic subjects. But I digress; today for those who can stay up, we've got a Demon Slayer double-header! First up is Episode 7: "Transformation": #40 overall--enjoy tonight at 3 AM! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  10. Last time you remember, Robin's manos backfired during Operation S.O.P., and she got toy-ified, much to our heroes' horror! What happens next? Find out tonight at 1 AM, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  11. I love the way they did this one--definitely gives it a special "punch" compared to some other uneventful Toonami Season Finale promos over the years! Can Akira complete his bucket list? Or did he just make the ultimate sacrifice and end it prematurely to save his father? Find out tonight at 12:30, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  12. Oh for heaven's sake, I guess we just might be waiting until at least 2025 for this thing after all...
  13. Episode 18: Spoiler title is spoilerific... Though one can of course still wonder exactly WHAT it means? Well maybe this preview will shed some Kryptonite light on the situation? Guess what? Figured I didn't need the spoiler tag for that one, and I was mostly right! MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, ONLY TOONAMI!! How about a little bit more? I AM leaving this one under a spoiler tag, for obvious reasons...
  14. I noticed this week how much like the Magnum P.I. theme Sailor Moon's transformation sequence BGM is. Something about that seems intentional to me...
  15. But THAT'S Zabuza!! Let Naruto's first real arc begin!
  16. Oh no, Naruto, not a CHANCE you'll bump into an enemy ninja on a C-Rank mission! 🙄🤦‍♂️
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