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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Or...Sailor Moon and The Stupid Cupid? Find out this afternoon at 5, ONLY TOONAMI REWIND!!
  2. I guess this is because the Toonami Rewind airing of DBZ Kai is catching up to the Saturday Midnight Run airing? Good for Sailor Moon, though. More of that is certainly a good thing. But why the 19th? Seems like odd timing. If they feel like DBZ Kai works better going into Bob's Burgers or whatever FOX show airs at 7, wouldn't August 5th once Superman ends have been better?
  3. 2020? ❌️ 2021? ❌️ 2022? ❌️ 2023? ❌️ 2024? ✅️ Hey, only took one election cycle to make it happen! At least the same old dudes are running, so it's not like we can tell the difference!
  4. Well, now they HAVE to stop Sugar. No WAY Luffy leaves Robin behind. Somehow my DVR cut off the last 3 minutes, so I'm just now learning what Sugar did to Robin!
  5. Kencho is like "Gross Kamina!" 🤣 Like if Kamina and Steve-O from MTV's Jackass were blended, or something!
  6. Only 8 episodes left, so let's get our Shippuden on!! 1:30 AM TONIGHT, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  7. Witness the next chapter in the ridiculous DressRosa arc, and the potential END of the tournament! 1 AM tonight, ONLY TOONAMI!!!
  8. Don't miss the showdown! yeah take that ya buttfuuxers! 12:30 AM Tonight, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  9. Superman is in one hell of a pickle! But it's "Jimmy Flamebird" to the rescue!? What the hell can he do? Either way, don't underestimate him! Midnight tonight, only TOONAMI!!
  10. Enter Brainiac. Primus Brainiac. In other news, seeing Brainiac open for Primus someday would be awesome!!
  11. We saw this rehashed on Shippuden about a year ago, didn't we??
  12. That might have been the most deaths ever packed into one hour of DBZ Kai on TV!
  13. Episode 5: "Scent Of A Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love" Not sure if this title is a reference to the Al Pacino movie Scent Of A Woman, but since they both came out around that time, it's plausible. Witness Pokémon before there was Pokémon today at 5 PM--only Toonami Rewind!!
  14. Yeah, I guess we might be better off. If there is no update for a month, I'm unpinning this thread.
  15. Unfortunate but probably should have been expected. Here’s hoping Toonami gets to air it someday, though if MHAS7 is any indication if it's coming in August, the going time gap between these shows might be 4 months, and if so, a November premiere after Swordsmith Village arc still sounds probable. Of course, Toonami could also start off airing the first 7-8 episodes of Swordsmith in August and September, take a break for something spookier in October, and air the final 4 episodes in November, putting Hashira Training off to 2025.
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