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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. He's like this universe's trump. Unapologetic asshole.
  2. I was hoping it would be Rebecca, but good on you, SABO!!
  3. Tonight, it's THIS! EPISODE 8! LET'S GO!!
  4. Well folks, it's official. After over 10 years on Toonami, we have come to the final 5 episodes out of 500, the last 1%, of this great, but LOOOOOOONG Anime series!! Begin the last 1% tonight at 1:30 AM. ONLY TOONAMI!!
  5. One last Pirate Power Hour at 12:30 tonight before One Piece takes at least a 3-week hiatus! Any theories as to why Usopp didn't turn into a toy when Sugar touched him last week? Here's mine, after rewatching the scene just now: Sugar didn't actually touch him with her fingers--just the palm of her hand. It must require being touched by the Hobby-Hobby Fruit user's fingers for the curse to take hold.
  6. It has come to this: both Superman AND Supergirl blasted with Kryptonite blasts and feeling really weak. Oddly enough, the Sneak Peek this week ain't much longer... The rest remains shrouded in mystery until Midnight 7/20-21/24, tonight!! ONLY TOONAMI!! [next day on max]
  7. I see no one gives a rat's ass about this silliness... ..
  8. Toonami Rewind arguably gets stronger! At least, now it has double the girl power, at 5 PM ET this afternoon!! Don't miss, or in the name of the Moon, she'll punish you!!
  9. What the hell makes you think Rewind is dying? If anything it's getting stronger. And you're right. This situation exists only in my head except for one thing: I've seen this happen before. Not with Toonami, but with another popular show: BattleBots. Granted, that was on network TV (ABC with Olympics on NBC), but it DID HAPPEN!
  10. Well, hopefully this STILL means Swordsmith Village Arc despite Aniplex being ridiculously tight-lipped about it at AX. They wouldn't try to marathon all 11 episodes of Entertainment District Arc in 1 night on August 10th, would they!? That would be 6.25 hours of air time! Toonami would need to start at 11:55 and go to 6 AM--not bloody likely!
  11. If you haven't seen it for a while, Toonami is bringing it to you again, apparently from 12-4 AM despite it only being 7 episodes. I guess we can reasonably assume R&M shorts to end the night? Edit: yes, I know that says "23". Certainly a typo.
  12. Well, if you thought [as] no longer has the rights to Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, you thought WRONG!! And it just occurred to me what they're doing with all these oddly-timed marathons: they're counter-programming against The Olympics! THAT'S why we're not getting R&M: The Anime until August 15th, despite the fact that it's the buttcrack of dawn on a Sunday morning in France when Toonami airs! The question is why is Toonami Rewind, which actually airs counter to the Olympics, unaffected by this change? Sailor Moon airs directly opposite the end of USA Women's Olympic Soccer on the 26th of July...
  13. The [as] app schedule says it's Episode 20.
  14. The intrepid ANN reviewer gave the previous 2 episodes an A-: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episodes-494-495/.112368
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