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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Guess Courebeau is not watching this week? I actually got home from work early, myself! Damn, don't have a stroke, Usagi!
  2. My DVR forgot to record Episode 12 of Supes, so my inexplicable excitement about the marathon might have something to do with that. 🤷‍♂️ With the exception of July 27th, nothing really changes from June to July. We have 4 premieres now, and we'll have 4 premieres then. Granted, the fact that we're getting a marathon on a non-holiday is a bit weird, but if it means a major shakeup in August, I really don't have a problem with it. If they just HAVE to stall a bit more in August, maybe letting Naruto Shippuden lead off the block with a mini-marathon of Episodes #497-#500 would be interesting, then DBZ Kai and double Kamui after that? Hell, if they decide to pull the killswitch on Rewind, could even see Sailor Moon wind up at 3, then OG Naruto replace Shippuden the following week.
  3. Would Toonami be bonkers enough to air a subtitled anime in mid-block on August 3rd if it's Suicide Squad? Though unconfirmed, that just MIGHT be what this is pointing toward... ...and I for one would be perfectly FINE with it!
  4. Holy monkey, what a negative take! You get balls for that!! Expansion is Expansion. And sure it'll be mostly Superman, but the weekend of July 26-28, SEVEN hours of [as] programming will be Toonami-branded, when the average weekend 6 months prior only had 3. How the hell is that not a positive?
  5. I need to lose weight...so I'll be watching! 5 PM this afternoon, only TOONAMI REWIND!!
  6. That can't be right. I thought it came out in 2023? If you're thinking about Hashira Training, oddly enough you may be right! That would be a HUGE coup for Toonami if so!
  7. Note: Zom 100 has only 3 episodes left and concludes July 6th, so this also confirms we are NOT getting another delay! First, we're doubling up on One Piece and Demon Slayer (or at least "1.5"-ing up on the latter) for a couple of weeks: Then, the Man Of Steel pulls an all-nighter with a Marathon on July 27th: Thoughts? It's certainly interesting that they're blasting through Demon Slayer: Entertainment District. Almost like we can expect Swordsmith Arc to begin August 3rd. But what would join it? MHA S7? Or maybe it's finally time for Uzumaki? But I would think October for that. Rick & Morty Anime is another wild card... ALSO, you may have noticed that we're curiously missing an episode of Demon Slayer, so I'm guessing even though they haven't confirmed it, Toonami expands to 4 AM July 6th as well to pack Episode 8 in.
  8. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I wouldn't be sad to see one, but this seems like an industrial-strength "OOPSIE" to me!!
  9. Well, there's the "LATER!" And next time, things are gonna get real flashy indeed! Episode 5: "Things Are Gonna Get Real Flashy!"
  10. Because this is the last time it was used in the premieres. I guess they decided just to leave it in for the Midnight premieres and we probably won't hear it for the 12:30 premieres.
  11. One last time for the full OP! EPISODE 4: "Tonight" (#37 overall) This is the last time because this is the last episode which premiered at Midnight.
  12. This is one continuity issue with the show: all sorts of opportunities to do something like this again, but it's mostly forgotten.
  13. So Kaio-Ken is like this... https://youtu.be/JDf8L8HV9iM?si=nB5rLqbeT-EweS2M
  14. Maybe it's merciful that Toonami actually spared us the full version tonight!
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