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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Damn, flitted in and out of consciousness AGAIN tonight! But that ending theme... I used Shazam to discover Water by X Ambassadors. https://www.shazam.com/track/588774583/water
  2. The jellyfish DIE afterward? That's just mean!
  3. We're still in filler hell!
  4. Don't screw with the Navy! For once, they're on the same side!
  5. Is Alpachino's weird ability the result of a Devil Fruit?
  6. Here comes an ass kicking!
  7. Wait, it's not just the two? Then we're done with it after NEXT WEEK!
  8. That definitely makes sense!!
  9. Z(ed)'s Ambition IS a Filler Arc, but at least we're done with it tonight!
  10. Basque Gran(d), the Iron Blood Alchemist?
  11. This is a wacky-ass episode!
  12. Lupin gets into yet another crazy caper tonight! It's part 1 of 2 at 1 AM tonight on TOONAMI!!
  13. The battlefield is no place for a child! See more at 12:30 AM Tonight on TOONAMI!!
  14. If you haven't seen it, watch it tonight! This episode got back to the action, but it had a little of everything and a shocking final sequence! Midnight tonight on TOONAMI!!
  15. From the lineup about 3 months ago I'd be inclined to agree with you. But now? Not so much. And with Housing Complex C coming, it's clear Toonami stays a few more months at least. In other news, it looks like PRIMAL did OK on Thursday night, checking in at #23 in 18-49 and at least tying for 4th in 18-34: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-thursday-8-18-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html
  16. While Mob Pyscho may be lost in Crunchyroll hell, there IS a strong chance of this coming to Toonami someday!!
  17. Perhaps we get a double-shot of YashaHime on September 24th? As far as I can tell, that's the only night that Midnight isn't booked through November. Yashahime started July 30th, so it's almost guaranteed to bleed into 2023 unless they double or even triple up a whole bunch in November and December. Plus DC FanDome remains an X-Factor... We also only have 8 episodes left of Lupin, so it will be done and looking for a replacement on October 15th. That's the time frame of FanDome last year, so it's also possible that follows Yashahime and/or* Housing Complex C this year if Toonami doesn't have an immediate replacement. (*Note on the use of "And/Or": "1 and/or 2" means 1 and 2 may hold true, or just 2, but not just 1. Therefore, I used it correctly.)
  18. Quite right. Thursday did a 0.15 in 18-49 and 310K overall. Toonami Saturday was at 0.11 in 18-49 and 223K overall. So Thursday nights ARE being noticed!
  19. 5 weeks. October 29th will probably be a double marathon. Hell, they might just reair this Halloween night as well!
  20. "On Adult Swim, the line-up performed as follows: PRIMAL steady at 0.11/223K, LUPIN THE 3RD up 0.01 to 0.08, YASHAHIME down 0.01 to 0.08, ONE PIECE at 0.07/0.06 compared to last week’s 0.08/0.07, NARUTO up 0.02 to 0.07, BLADE RUNNER: BLACK LOTUS at 0.05/112K, and MADE IN ABYSS at 0.04/99K." I wonder if PRIMAL did better on Thursday night than Saturday this week because the Field of Dreams game got more people watching TV? In other news, Made In Abyss rerun under 100K. Ow, my balls.
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