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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. And yet it DOESN'T seem to be happening. Lupin ended at about the normal time and One Piece began then too. What the HELL is going on!? Now my recordings are gonna be ALL screwed up!
  2. Subs and dubs have different audiences. It's stupid, but it's how it is.
  4. Tonight (10/8-10/9/22) on Toonami at 12:30 AM, it's an InuYasha Episode!! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  5. On track for November 5th if last season was any indication... ...but I just can't be sure it was!
  6. FUNi DID!? No other since AOT has had it? Do you know that with any certainty or are you just B.S.ing?? Either way, maybe Toonami could use Pierrot to back-door it if they really wanna show more Black Clover...
  7. Not unless it's at Midnight. Simply moving Yashahime up to Midnight or rerunning HCC would be ass moves but they could do that.
  8. Already broke this news. My theory is that Toonami actually renegotiated the rights for Season 1 of TPN with the marathon in 2020, so it might be that. Season 2 getting a back-end rerun thereafter would be really cute! Episodes 1-4 of Season 2, with 5-11 at 3:30 AM to finish off the year would also be interesting. At this point, anything's possible.
  9. Well, if you were hoping for the Made In Abyss movie or 2nd season in October, it seems that ain't gonna happen: Interesting decision bringing back The Promised Neverland to finish off the Saturday night before Halloween. No word yet which episodes will air...
  10. Depends on the contract that was inked for it back in 2017. We're expecting AOT to finish on Toonami and THAT's a Crunchyroll show too. Or rather a "Funimation × Crunchyroll" show. There may actually be a shot at Toonami getting those if they've aired previous seasons, and that bodes well for Dr. Stone and Fire Force as well. Mob Psycho 2 & 3, Megalobox: Nomad, and Demon Slayer 2 are different because they were originally either Aniplex or Crunchyroll and became associated with Funimation post-merger. At least that's my theory.
  11. If it's a stand-alone movie, it may not be THAT bad. Toonami could still get a continuation of the series. They were pretty much able to air the first 4 seasons of 170 episodes with no non-COVID related issues, so that's a good sign.
  12. Just saw the episode all the way through, and I gotta say it felt more like a stand-alone slice-of-life Hallmark movie-ish short that just happened to have a Lupin cameo than a Lupin episode. Still, it cracked the Top 50 this week, and I can't fight results!
  13. Made in Abyss S2 without first airing the Dawn of Deep Soul movie would be a bit of a middle finger to fans at a time when they don't need to be pissing anyone off. Fortunately, I see 3 big opportunities to air the movie coming up: October 22nd for a "Night In Abyss" following the premiere of the Housing Complex C finale, with the movie between that and the Season 1 finale. October 29th at Midnight before a marathon of Housing Complex C, and probably expanding Toonami by 30 minutes or so. November 5th anytime 1 AM-3 AM, and pre-empting the rest of the premieres, but the block could still end with a different set of reruns. Hopefully, Toonami will find a way to air it AND Season 2!
  14. So this episode cracked the Top 10 on iTunes: For comparison, Fena peaked at #14: No data available for Black Lotus, and Shenume has yet to hit iTunes.
  15. That's just the subtitled version. Toonami COULD very well still premiere the dub!
  16. Hey, not too shabby! https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-10-1-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html We've certainly seen worse. Pretty good start for Housing Complex C, and Lupin managed to steal a Top 50 spot despite effectively tying with Yashahime and the One Pieces. Shippuden dropped to 0.07 to round out the originals. On Patrol is already doing crappy and I think it's only a matter of time until it gets beat by a Toonami show. HCC and Lupin effectively DID beat it BIG in 18-34. "On Adult Swim, the late-night line-up performed as follows: HOUSING COMPLEX C at 0.12, YASAHIME steady at 0.09, ONE PIECE at 0.09/0.09 compared to last week’s 0.08/0.07, LUPIN THE 3RD up 0.01 to 0.09, NARUTO steady at 0.07, and MADE IN ABYSS at 0.05/110K & 0.05/106K compared to last week’s 0.05/0.05." Really, the only thing we didn't know from this at first was the MiA power hour numbers, but either way it's great too see all Toonami shows either improved or held steady.
  17. I fell into a coma around YashaHime but woke up later and watched, or at least listened, to these episodes with the West Coast!
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