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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. She does her research, so she knows them all! She also "knows" vaccines kill more people than they save and George Soros is manipulating us all, but that's beside the point!
  2. The Straw Hats' journey continues!! 1:30 AM tonight, join the fight!! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  3. I'm not sure if this guy is worse or Endeavor is. At least his plan doesn't necessarily include actually having sex with her!
  4. He was wearing a mask--on par for 2020!
  5. Puttin' those Pork Cutlets to some GOOD Use!!
  6. "I also hear he's really good at brewing beer..."
  7. You DO know you have a SAY in this, Erina!
  8. I am...YOUR UNCLE!! Luke: "That just didn't have the 'punch' I expected!"
  9. Megumi's still foodgasming so she's probably not thinking clearly!
  10. And now he's gonna "pork" Erina... ...no major loss for Soma there though!
  11. Haven't done this in a hot minute: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-133/.195060 https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-134/.195316 4 stars, both!!
  12. Let's all Foodgasm tonight! Only Toonami!!
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