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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. You're welcome. Please, please get well soon, and definitely go get some rest. We'll be here when you're well again.
  2. I don't know, to be honest. I just want you to feel better.
  3. Yes, a non-dairy fruit smoothie. You need vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, in your body so you can start getting well. And you should be able to get soup delivered to you. Do you have a Panera Bread near you?
  4. I removed this post to bring you...this!
  5. I can get a little whiny when I'm sick, which I hate because then, I sound like Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  6. I think I said this under Kalgan in here, but in case I didn't... I think Philly will just be too much for the Chiefs. As much as I want Mahomes to become a multiple-time Super Bowl Champion, I just can't see it this year. Philadelphia's defense is gonna be too much for him, especially with that bad ankle of his.
  7. I had one my brother bought for me when he went to NYC while I was in high school. It changed color based on whether or not I was warm or cold as well as how hot or how cold I was. It was pretty cool! (I wish I still had that thing. Best watch I've ever owned.)
  8. Which is a fair point. I hate the argument as well, to be completely honest. I mean in terms of MJ and Kobe, they had pretty much identical playing styles because Kobe sought to emulate MJ. (Plus, their careers did have some overlap. Same thing with Kobe and LeBron, though LeBron's game is different as well.) The point is I guess it can be fun to have the argument, but ultimately, we should just sit back and appreciate what we're watching. (Now how someone reacts to adversity is definitely worth talking about, but we can talk about that later.)
  9. Aw. đŸ˜­ No wonder you haven't been on lately. Have you tried getting a smoothie? I hope that would help. (It probably won't but I can't think of anything else at the moment. Maybe just going to Urgent Care and getting an IV drip?)
  10. Scoob, don't forget to edit Seight's post to the proper selection.
  11. Eh, not really. If you have to say you're the greatest of all-time, especially when you've been known to whine and complain about crappy foul calls like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, you're not the GOAT. Sorry. That said, LeBron James is easily a first-ballot Hall of Famer, in my opinion.
  12. Props to LeBron from scoring the most career points in the NBA. But MJ is still the GOAT. I said what I said. Suck it.
  13. Screw it. I'd bite the bullet and suffer through Ministry just so I could see Gary Numan. (Besides, as long as they play "Jesus Built My Hotrod" for they leave the stage, it would be worth it. That's the only Ministry song I like.)
  14. I don't like Ministry either. That said, I looooove Gary Numan's stuff. Man, what to do?
  15. No need to apologize for anything. You're grieving. You have every right to feel how you feel.
  16. I don't know about anyone else, but I know that when I ask someone a similar question, it's definitely out of sympathy. It's also hoping that they open up and share some memories of their loved one. I've found that talking about how they're feeling can help them start to move forward. (That's what helped me, anyway, when my dad died.)
  17. I'd rather have Jack in the Box anyway. Sourdough Jack, anyone?
  18. Oh, you weapon of mass destruction, you.
  19. Gotta beat you at something, right, @scoobdog? lol
  20. My entry is in, but I decided to play around with the prompt a little bit. This is what I got.
  21. Happy Birthday, girl! Hope it's a good one.
  22. And just like that, we have...
  23. Well-done?
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