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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Yes! I mean I don't wish harm on anybody, but I bet that groundhog was pissed off that morning. "Hao dair yew waik me fraum mai slumburr! CHOMP!"
  2. There's no reason to, really.
  3. Oh, I know. She's pretty cool, ain't she?
  4. What's an Amouranth?
  5. I like the new title! 🤣
  6. I swear he kind of sounded like Cartman in that one Subway commercial with Charles Barkley where he said "Easy there, big guy!" in response to something the Round Mound of Rebound said about the sub they were featuring at the time.
  7. Rule 34 is Rule 34. lol
  8. I do as well. Also, i need to say this so you know more of where Buddy (Sorry. Andre) is coming from: He thinks the OP is someone we would call either Packard or Kenworth, depending on what name one knew him by. Packard has been known to be full of shit. And by all accounts, Andre's hunch about this guy may be spot on. (Also, sorry, Andre.)
  9. Me, too. It's a very interesting concept.
  10. It might as well be. Same shit over and over.
  11. Now that part, I don't remember.
  12. You'd be surprised at what I find interesting and vice versa.
  13. Ron White is hilarious! And you're right about Larry the Cable Guy. (The guy behind the character is actually very smart.)
  14. That's kind of Bill Engvall's version of "No Shit, Sherlock" or "Thanks, Captain Obvious" or "Hey, you're stupid" and such. I don't remember exactly which one.
  15. How do you know about this? XD
  16. Only if you cosplayed as Catwoman from Batman Returns. >_> lol
  17. I guess there's a porn version of sports as well?
  18. I'm totally calling you Whiskers from now on. lol
  19. My porn name is Dixie Woodway. 🤣
  20. I once taught myself how to play this particular song. (I was 17 at the time. Don't @ me.)
  21. I'm just trying to teach myself how to play guitar again. >_>
  22. Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. (I know Vela does, too, but she'll probably let you know in her own way.)
  23. I'm your tiny hand twin? 😟
  24. Didn't he sign with Fox for a reported $300 Million for the duration of the contract?
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