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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Oh, yes. To be like Professor Charles Xavier from the X-Men. That would be pretty cool. (I mean to communicate with certain people with only my mind. I don't want to control people's thoughts. That's messed up, man.)
  2. He's breathing through his butt? lol Whoa!
  3. Also, is it just me or did Bush miss a golden opportunity to rework their hit song "Glycerine" for use in Listerine ads? I mean it practically writes itself. "Don't let the day go by. Fresh breath is easier on you, you, you. Listerine! Listerine! Listerine! Listerine!"
  4. Maybe. I do need to vacuum tomorrow morning.
  5. It could be your salt intake. I'm not a doctor though.
  6. Fun fact: I've used it to disinfect small cuts on my body, too, so the antiseptic during surgery part totally makes sense. (I only used it when I didn't have hydrogen peroxide on hand.)
  7. Thanks. Also, (on topic) where did the San Francisco thread go? (Also, why did I imagine Paula Cole singing that to the tune of "Where Did All the Cowboys Go?" while typing that?)
  8. I bet it was used as a disinfectant for hair stylists and barbers, too. That wouldn't surprise me.
  9. "Hey, want your mouth to smell like a clean kitchen?" lol
  10. I was trying to do that with South Park: The Stick of Truth. I'm currently stuck at the part where you have to learn this "squeaky squirrel" fart that you can guide behind enemies and stuff from Randy Marsh. I'll get back to it soon though.
  11. I'm not telling. (Seriously, I've been sworn to secrecy.)
  12. You're not old enough to be John McEnroe. Also, Patty Smyth is way out of your league.
  13. You are what you eat! Eat a person, be a person! I am a hamburger!
  14. Who do you think you are? John McEnroe?
  15. I feel like if there's ever a crab-centric anime, this could be the theme song. (Or maybe the opening theme to that one anime that aired in 2003: Blue Gender.)
  16. Good point. My bad.
  17. You should add me to the excluded part, too. >_>
  18. I completely agree. Much more peaceful in here now.
  19. Kinda perfer this though: (Added bonus: It's from the Beat Club, which is from Germany, I think?)
  20. It could always be this: Oh, and...this as well: @Rogue_Alphonse
  21. Technology can be your friend, Packard.
  22. Sounds like it's gonna be a hell of a lot of fun. I just wish I had made the cut. Oh, well. Good luck to Pooh, Seight, and Vela.
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