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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. is screening congressfolk a new thing? i guarantee several of them have been carrying daily for years.
  2. that's the story making the rounds right now anyways. i can't find a whole lot on the guy, a couple pictures that are supposedly him from before he retired. could be him, could still be someone else.
  3. david quintavalle chicago FD, retired
  4. coyotes are pretty much scavengers, so they're not dumb enough to take on a hooman. i've seen them pack up and take down calves, but they usually know their limits and avoid anything beyond that. unless they're sick, then all bets are off.
  5. can't people already do that, without overtaking the courthouses? i thought voter registration data was public. anyways, the bar has been closed for 2 months so i don't have access to all the local gossip right now, but it does appear to me (anecdotally) that the volume of aggressive trump support has waned over that time. i'm not discounting the possibility of some pockets of armed stupidity next week, but i think the likelihood is decreasing overall.
  6. tfw you realize your accountant retired so you're gonna have to teach yourself how to put together a corporate tax return in the most fucked up tax year in history, with no formal accounting education and no accountant friends. i guess i could always just find a new accountant, but i've already handled the books and payroll for all of 2020, so learning how to do the tax side of it just seems like the natural next step. i'm not thrilled about learning all the depreciation bullshit though. ugh.
  7. only if you offer a freeeeeeeeeeeee riiiiiiieeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide
  8. i'd be willing to send cruz off if he can take aoc with him. seems a fair trade to me.
  9. we'll find out. i've had stalled batches before where we re-pitched and things fired back off. but this isn't in my basement anymore, and i have no control or monitoring capability when i'm not physically there. if it's not done properly, opening the fermenter to re-pitch on a still bucket of wort is risky. at this point, i'm willing to sacrifice the entire batch rather than fight it for 3 gallons of what will surely miss the quality mark anyways.
  10. the gov't is literally doing the opposite of "ceding to fascists" right now, but ok.
  11. i like you better when you're not being this guy.
  12. mine did not enter the mr bubble phase as intended. really, the whole brew session was a shitshow. someone just needs to recognize that i'm in fucking charge of the show, and we can avoid problems in the future. 1) i said don't use a mesh bag in the mash, but conceded when faced with fervent opposition. the mesh bag collapsed into the kettle, causing a mess that could have been easily avoided, and losing 20% of the batch to waste. 2) i said we need to get a water quality test done because something is fucking with our mash efficiency. i was told it's not necessary. our efficiency should have been around 80%. it was only 55%. 3) i said we needed to vent our brewing area better since we're still using propane (for now), but conceded because "it would get too cold in the basement." so instead, the CO detectors went off all night throughout the house. 4) i said we shouldn't use the old yeast because it was expired, and i brought three new packs along to use instead. well, the old pack got pitched anyways and it was dead. hopefully a new pack being pitched on top corrects that before it gets infected. ugh. life would be so much easier if people would just recognize my superior knowledge and skill.
  13. yeah but if he gets his way, he'll be big again in the post-american political scene.
  14. so i got my debit card the other day to access my unemployment benefits. and then i got a notice yesterday that my benefits would be reduced in order to catch up on my child support...which is paid in full, automatically, twice each month, and has been for the last 12 years. i called the unemployment office on monday to report the fraud, but they only allow you to give your number so they can call you back. it's friday now, still no call back. so i called again this morning, but they won't let me place another callback request because my first one is still pending. ugh. also added fraud alerts on my credit report, just for good measure. they've been frozen since the first id theft attempt back in 2017, so no worries there. then i checked them for any new inquiries, none so far. been thinking a lot about ghosting myself from the internet lately. fuck all of this headache.
  15. obviously not. honestly, the comparison would work better if it were against wisconsin in 2011. but even then, nobody died so ... yeah.
  16. it's being compared, sure.
  17. some rando named evita duffy absolutely gets to call the shots on this thing.
  18. i could have sworn i just read that suggestion somewhere else earlier. did you cross post this or something?
  19. let's go with the "mostly peaceful end of 2020"
  20. that's a big mead. nice work. we're brewing my black ipa, v2.0 tonight. yay! i tweaked the recipe after the first attempt, so maybe now it will line up a little better with the intended style. also, i just found out our brewing space will eventually be relocated from the basement into a new outbuilding with a commercial kitchen. might happen as early as this summer/fall, which is right about the same time i expect we'll have our new electric brewery tweaked up and running at full cap. i love it when a plan comes together. with a little bit of luck, we'll be turning out consistent barrels of good beer by the end of the year, and maybe even working on our commercial brewing space if the right property opens up.
  21. got this cute little feller on monday. now i just have to find someone selling the rounds to put thru it.
  22. they'll train you on-the-job for those things. there's also probably a riflery class at one of your local colleges. you can take the course and fire whatever they have in their arsenal, without dropping the coin on a weapon.
  23. I could tell ghostrek was googling the guns from your op so maybe I dropped a biden gaffe on him for kicks?
  24. Daddy Warbucks earns too much to qualify.
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