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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. i found a pic of it actually. oh, shit. that was pcat. nevermind, move along.
  2. because you make beaucoup bucks, obv.
  3. i can totally see pence's schedule blocked out in advance. 7am: coffee & grapefruit. 8:15am: obscure message board drum-beating. 9am: intel debrief.
  4. you logged your brother's ckarma login in your browser. easy trick, no cred awarded.
  5. here's a decent investment tip: don't have kids.
  6. i never really thought about it, but that does make perfect sense.
  7. i was really hoping you'd jump on the spelling error i put in my post. damn your spontaneous lack of pettiness.
  8. that's how it starts. just wait though. it will happen in time.
  9. idiots pot apostrophes in the word idiots.
  10. none of it is fun. i don't do it because i like it. i do it because i got bitches that need paid.
  11. i don't deal with risk in loans or deposits. leave that shit to the bean counters. i focus on risk in IT/cybersec and 3rd party, with a sprinkling of general DR/BC because i hate myself.
  12. hey, that's what i said. but, y'know, dumber. for packard, of course.
  13. well, since that instance you just posted in your response. but also, a person can have a good enough account standing at a bank and adequate proof of income that a bank will loan the money, even without an established credit score from any bureau. i don't think you have to worry about either of those things happening to you though.
  14. it's under the brussels sprouts.
  15. ...or do? that would be a fun encounter for us to witness.
  16. you don't need credit to buy a house.
  17. lol, construction income is neither fast nor easy. riding a scooter with a trash can janitor station mounted on back, now that's more like it.
  18. posted in another thread, but bringing it here because relevant. cabbage is going in about an hour from now, should be ready by noon. sooooooexcited!
  19. i actually asked wifey if we could use regular carrots because they cost quite a bit less when buying pounds at a time. she didn't wanna fuss with peeling them. and since i know when to pick my battles, i was good with it. i wanted yukon gold taters too, but she wanted reds so :shrug:
  20. the irish stereotype pub food is coming along nicely though. just added taters and carrots. cabbage goes in at about 10am. my nut is building...
  21. stereotypical white artists...i bet mj's not even irish.
  22. i would hope it's already been blessed by now, but sure why not.
  23. ssh you. demo team says they can work around the power lines if they come at it from the east. they're actually deconstructing and reclaiming the wood and tin (building is ~140 years old), so they're being careful with their work.
  24. maybe just paint the entire ball to look like a balloon?
  25. done and done.
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