I don’t usually post things like this, but it kind of gives some relief.
I’m stuck in a depression and sometimes it feels like being in the middle of the ocean at night with unknown things brushing against my feet. I’m filled with dread, but i would accept being a meal to some monster out in the sea.
I don’t like being in this place. It’s so critical and uninviting. I don’t want to be forced to look at mirrors when i know i am disfigured. I am not a replica of society’s standards and expectations and i’m not “normal” by any term.
Every day is a struggle and i often think i wasn’t equipped to live. I think about apoptosis and how i feel like the desire to self destruct is programmed in me, in my disorder. I’m just too much of a coward. I knew that when i tried to overdose because it wasn’t certain, but being on the edge was satisfying. It consoled me. I didn’t feel so full and everything was calm.
The last few days has been inner turmoil. The deep conversations i’ve had in my head made me sick. Physically ill.
I don’t know what this is and i apologize in advance.