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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. Yay. Save some for me!
  2. Yours stays hard forever, lol.
  3. I don’t usually post things like this, but it kind of gives some relief. I’m stuck in a depression and sometimes it feels like being in the middle of the ocean at night with unknown things brushing against my feet. I’m filled with dread, but i would accept being a meal to some monster out in the sea. I don’t like being in this place. It’s so critical and uninviting. I don’t want to be forced to look at mirrors when i know i am disfigured. I am not a replica of society’s standards and expectations and i’m not “normal” by any term. Every day is a struggle and i often think i wasn’t equipped to live. I think about apoptosis and how i feel like the desire to self destruct is programmed in me, in my disorder. I’m just too much of a coward. I knew that when i tried to overdose because it wasn’t certain, but being on the edge was satisfying. It consoled me. I didn’t feel so full and everything was calm. The last few days has been inner turmoil. The deep conversations i’ve had in my head made me sick. Physically ill. I don’t know what this is and i apologize in advance.
  4. This is great. All you smokers out there.
  5. I hate that i’m in so much pain. Just in bed crying with a pillow between my legs.
  6. I hate myself and my body. I hate that it feels like i’ll never have children. How man miscarriages do i have to have? I’m in so much pain right now. I just want to be alone.
  7. I have a puppy. He’s a funny little thing. I don’t care about being that close with someone. Feelings are not necessary when paying someone for a service. They are inclined to do it.
  8. I thought about this. I’m pretty content alone. It seems to be less stressful to me and i don’t have to worry about being hurt. Maybe turn to temporary forms of intimacy. A one night stand that only involves holding me or letting me play with their ear while i get a decent nights sleep. Almost like the Unsullied seeking comfort from prostitutes with no actual sexual advances. I’d be content. I’m not sure if i want a relationship anymore. People can’t be trusted.
  9. I’ll do it for food. I’m kinda cute in overalls.
  10. Single life.
  11. Submissive. Musket is Dominant. Hence, why he is called Papacito in bed.
  12. When you get out mine, which won’t happen any time soon.
  13. Nauseous. Waiting for husbando to wake up.
  14. Apoptosis
  15. Your skin. Oily sand paper.
  16. Lucked out finding a Savannah.
  17. Indeed. Most people all feel the same about you. Should tell you something.
  18. Do you love me? If you do, i really want burritos.
  19. You’re welcome.
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