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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. Aww puppers
  2. Yes, you like it.
  3. Nala’s face. -mew-
  4. What she said.
  5. Post pics of your animals.
  6. My kitten bell collar.
  7. Nu uh.
  8. They have it on youtube. 11 hours worth.
  9. Because you’re a pedo.
  10. I don’t know where i was going with this. Can i play with your beard?
  11. But You Can’t Hide, Bitch. Been watching Rick and Morty for 11+ hours. I couldn’t sleep.
  12. Sorry bad gardening joke. Grew it yourself. Shh, i’m silly.
  13. You have a green thumb. purrfect
  14. I like your beard.
  15. Don’t like body hair. i think he means overall personality.
  16. Sos! Send memes.
  17. Did you make up my sock drawer yet? Make it fancy.
  18. I keeping boob tradition in here.
  19. Got a bralet. Surprised it fit. Will get more in the future!
  20. Of course you’re the right one, babe. I’ll be back soon. ❤️
  21. This thread was about you and she indirectly made it about herself. She dug her grave with most of us. There’s no respect or common courtesy to give. But i hope you figure out your baby fever.
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