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Distinct Lunatic

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Everything posted by Distinct Lunatic

  1. I lost interest and most of my respect for Markiplier years ago. He's not a bad dude, but I can't stand him at all anymore. The initial unus annus video I thought was easily part of the top 10 cringiest things he's done. The grand majority of lets play youtubers I used to follow I stopped long ago for various reasons. My attitude toward "let's players" has changed also, to where I don't think the majority of them should get paid for it.
  2. honestly I don't see anything that bad with it. the song doesn't fit, but changing the music is something they can do relatively easy. The animation doesn't look that great I guess, but as long as they're able to tell a compelling or entertaining story they could still have a good show... i have zero intention of watching it, considering i don't support (or ever plan on) supporting Crunchyroll in any capacity. also I'm not really interested in their shit anyway.
  3. I highly doubt Sessh will comment on her appearance at all. Considering how Sesshomaru has a detached and uncaring personality, I expect their first meeting to go something along the lines of him flat out ignoring them. Moroha likely getting on him about that
  4. Things with cars always vary from one model to another. Comparing the brands as a whole compared to other brands, Toyota and Honda I've always heard people talk about how reliable they are. A guy I worked with that used to be a mechanic was talking to me once about cars, and he said when it comes to pick up trucks Ford and Toyota make the best. And as for reliability for cars in general Toyota and Honda he considers to be some of the most reliable cars on average.
  5. From my understanding German cars and Japanese cars are the most reliable. I have a 2016 Honda Civic that I'm in love with. Toyota's are also supposed to be very reliable.
  6. More so the fact that Central America is insanely dangerous to live in. The large majority of South America is very dangerous to live in, dealing with drug cartels, gangs, and/or crooked/evil governments. Africa is insanely dangerous, with the jungles there, the insects and creatures there, also tons of diseases. There was a time when Southern Africa was considered safe, but for the last 2 or 3 decades its also been insanely dangerous. Australia's biggest problem is forest fires, animals and insects there, and their ultra liberal govt. The fires early this year could have been avoided completely if they continued doing controlled burns during the winter to prevent what happened from happening, but the ultra liberal govt made it illegal to cut down trees there. I still find it hilarious how during the fires some guy cut down the trees around his house to create a fire barrier, and his house was the only one in his area that was still standing, and the liberal govt fined him for chopping down the trees. I will never go anywhere in the southern hemisphere, or anywhere south of America for that matter.
  7. I also have a g-sync monitor. I always go for 2560x1440p, my monitor can go up to 165hz. I'm simping so hard for AMD right now though. If I do buy an AMD gpu I am considering replacing my monitor with a freesync one. There's this monitor here that I'd likely get, https://amzn.to/34ELS82 I consider it to be better than my current monitor, and one nice thing is since Nvidia supports Freesync now if I decide to go back to Nvidia gpus I can still use the same monitor. The monitor I have now is good and all, but there's a couple spots where it's going bad or something, there being light spots visible in a couple of places.
  8. You had me at higher ground Let's do this
  9. I'm so very tempted to buy a 6900 xt gpu. I am planning on upgrading my cpu from my 3700x to the 5800x, I'm already using an x570 motherboard. I do have a 2080 super that after taxes and shit I paid around $850 for. Realistically speaking it's perfectly fine for my uses, but I'm very much so a pc tech enthusiast so I'm thinking about upgrading it as well, moving my 3700x and the 2080S to my living room pc which is running a 2700 and gtx 1070, the tv in there is 4k and the stuff from my current pc would handle it better than what's currently in there. If I do upgrade gpu I really should just stick with the 6800 xt but I'm desiring the 6900 xt so badly.
  10. Kekkaishi I thought was a decent enough series, though it honestly felt kind of bland and generic. One thing about it though is it felt like a Bleach clone to some degree, like season 1 of Bleach with some season 2 stuff mixed in
  11. I made my previous post before watching it since I typically anticipate these kind of reboots to be comparable to homicide.
  12. For some reason it always seemed like Bones has major issues with Soul Eater. It was a pretty popular series but it's like once they were done with their version they didn't want anything else to do with it. A lot of folks were calling for a new adaptation of it, but instead they gave us Soul Eater Not, which it felt like they didn't want that one to succeed. It had a super generic anime art style, no where near the original one which had a very unique art style. Also the writing was pretty bad and the show in general was meh. Needless to say it didn't perform well, to which they immediately wrote off the franchise by saying clearly no one is interested in more Soul Eater
  13. When it comes to this series I got into the manga a couple of years ago. I usually stir clear of edgy death game series or series where they just use people getting killed for shock value instead of putting more thought into the writing, but this series really hooked me back then. Being intentionally vague to some degree for those that haven't read the manga. I liked the style of the series and that it didn't feel like another dime a dozen death game series which it seems to be flooding the market. It felt similar to how a horror/survival video game would feel. I didn't mind the action and thought it worked out, then there's a point where the main character girl received a thing that makes her a thing which makes her stronger, and from there it gravitates more to battles and then every other chapter someone gets a power up which requires another character having to get a power up, the conclusion with the bad guy is very anti-climatic as they full on go to generic shonen battle anime territory. It does have a sequel manga that I question as to whether or not it was discontinued because of how boring it was and how much it spit in the face of the first series, while the events that are going on are even more vague than how I'm typing right now.
  14. Meh. I really liked the manga in the beginning, for the first 70-100 chapters or so (don't remember the exact moment when things changed) back when it felt like a horror/thriller/survival series, but I fucking hate what they did to it after that point, turning it into the most generic battle shonen series ever, things getting more and more convoluted.
  15. ur obsolete
  16. I'm most likely not gonna bother voting for president, not that it matters in the state of Illinois, the electoral college here will never go for a red president. I'll probably vote for the other things though. I know they're trying to create another new tax, them wanting to make a fair tax amendment, which I'm still not sure is good or bad. I've seen a lot of folks online say don't vote for it, but it doesn't help when you get spammed with mail everyday for both sides of this amendment. A guy I work with has a son in law that's some kind of govt employee, and according to him the democrats here are already making another tax law in case this one here fails.
  17. As much as I would love to see more of Mipha, it'd make me feel real bad considering fish waifu ends up dying in the end...
  18. Never heard of it. Considering the state of things where shows are coming back with either sequels, remakes, next generation things and so on, for some reason I feel like we could see a return of FMA, not sure why I feel that way of all anime out there, maybe it's because Inuyasha got one and it makes me think of FMA. Going off that, I do think Hiromu Arakawa did a lot of worldbuilding with the FMA franchise to where she could easily return to it with a new story. Whether that be a next gen thing with kids of the originals, or a fully original setting that's in the same world. There were a lot of other countries in the series, with only a glimpse at a few of them.
  19. One possibility is "Dragons" are just the western equivalent to hollows, and are still souls of dead that haven't passed on. Though it would bring up the question of why does souls in Japan go the way they do, with the masks and holes in their chest, but in Western countries that doesn't happen? No clue, Kubo needs to explain that one. Honestly I feel like this series wasn't intended on being part of the Bleach world. If back in the original oneshot when Kubo threw in the Bleach sign reference and the SS West Branch thing it was him not anticipating on the series getting picked up, him just wanting to do a bit of a tribute to his old series with those little easter eggs
  20. Honestly I'd prefer it if Inuyasha was more isekai like (if it was made in the past decade it probably would have ended up that way), like some kind of other world that parallels Japan's history, instead of making it something that happened only 450-500 years ago. I feel like that'd give the series more room to go further into fantasy-like scenarios without coming across as bullshit. When it comes to time travel, the whole thing where everything that happens is meant to, it not being possible to change anything seems to be the safest way to do time travel in shows and etc. Even when it comes to the story in Yashahime is even though they bring up the possibility of history being changed, more likely than not it's just pointless babbling. When it comes to real life theories for time travel, there are two ideas I think have the most support in the scientific community. Either A: It's not possible to change the past because everything that happened was meant to, that the universe won't allow paradoxes to be made. Or B: Even if you changed the past, your future would stay the same, you'd just create a divergent timeline where whatever you changed plays out, but your future won't change. I think they say even if you did the whole killing your past self, you wouldn't disappear, instead you'll just create a new future where you're dead.
  21. Pretty sure the whole 13/14yo thing in Japan is more so that they can get married at that age. For some reason people have some misconception that when it comes to the whole 13yo thing in Japan as well as incest (it fitting the subject, also something that's legal in Japan though only cousins can get married) is if you do those things, don't expect to receive any acceptance. Though for age of consent I'm pretty sure the lower age is only for rural parts of Japan, modernized ones like the Tokyo area and so on have the standard 18 year. The Japanese are nonconfrontational by nature, people assume they're alright with those things because most wouldn't say anything about it, but in reality you won't find acceptance for incest couples or doing it with a 13yo.
  22. I love and adore Moroha, I want to pet her and feed her and take her on walks, and give her belly rubs. As for the whole changing history thing. If I had to take a guess why that wasn't a concern with the original series. If I remember correctly the reason why Kagome ended up in the past in the first place was it was the desire of the shikon jewel, when it came to time travel in the original one it never seemed to matter how often Kagome returned home. You would think it'd be a case where without her present if she left it could fuck over the future entirely, but you could say the time travel used in the original series was a case where everything that happened was destined to happen, and because of that it didn't matter if Kagome dicked around in modern day, and didn't have to worry about changing the past, perhaps if that was the shikon jewels influence. So with the shikon jewel no longer in existence, perhaps there's nothing keeping the past in line any more, and it's possible to make changes to it if careless. I still don't like how most of the OG characters completely disappeared. Sessh is implied to still be around, but he's doing his own thing. I think that one makes sense for the type of character he is, not going to coddle anyone. It being like with dogs and other animals that don't take care of their offspring after they're old enough to walk and eat on their own. As for the others, I get that they want to leave things to be discovered but with Kaede and Kohaku being around and having screen time, as well as Kagome's family meeting Moroha and talking about Kagome, I find it just shitty writing that not one single character asked about what the other is doing or what happened to them. Not even a vague conversation that doesn't give anything away but gives us a little to go off.
  23. She must be related to Brock from Pokemon
  24. It was made in Japan, that's why.
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